Wait, Who Are The Adults?

So, Peggy Noonan, who was all a-gaga over the Messiah and had little nice to say about McCain and Palin during the campaign, and throws out all sorts of words to show her love for Obama, is telling the GOP to act like adults regarding far left wing SCOTUS nominee Sonia Sotomayor

“Let’s play grown-up.” When I was a child, that’s what we said when we ran out of things to do like playing potsie or throwing rocks in the vacant lot. You’d go in and take your father’s hat and your mother’s purse and walk around saying, “Would you like tea?” In retrospect we weren’t imitating our parents but parents on TV, who wore pearls and suits. But the point is we amused ourselves trying to be little adults.

And that’s what the GOP should do right now: play grown-up.

The Democrats in the White House have been doing it since January, operating with a certain decorum, a kind of assumption as to their natural stature. Obamaland is very different from the last Democratic administration, Bill Clinton’s. The cliché is true: White House staffs reflect their presidents. Mr. Clinton’s staff was human, colorful, messy, slightly mad. They had pent-up energy after 12 years of Republican rule, and they believed their own propaganda that Republicans were wicked. They were oafish: One dragooned a government helicopter to go play golf. President Obama’s staff is far less entertaining. They’re smooth, impeccable, sophisticated, like the boss. They don’t hate Republicans but think they’re missing a few chips (empathy, logic, How Things Really Work). It is true they don’t know what they don’t know, but what they do know (how to quietly seize and hold power, for instance—they now run the American auto industry), they know pretty well.

Say what? Democrats have been the grownups? I’d suggest that Ms. Noonan needs to grow up, since she is lost in a child-like delusion, making things up as kids are wont to do. Which leads us to another wacko

Peggy Noonan would like the GOP to Play Grown-Up.

So would I. We need at least two functioning parties in this country in order for our politics to work correctly, and right now one of them seems to be in permanent tantrum mode.

Funny that a person who bans anyone who disagrees with him and wants to debate an issue, just like a child who takes his ball home, wants everyone else to be “an adult”.

In case Noonan and Excitable Chucky missed it, politics is a dirty business, and playing in the mud works. See what happened to GOP control of Congress and the White House.

Speaking of Excitable Chucky, savage at LGF2.0 states that he has some ‘splaining to do.

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9 Responses to “Wait, Who Are The Adults?”

  1. Steve says:

    Great post – keep up the excellent work!!

    ps. Link Exchange??

  2. ¿Qué? what is this “playing potsie” to which the Noonan referred? Is she admitting the she & her friends smoked pot & got high all the time? This might explain the rest of her article.

    “The Democrats in the White House have been doing it since January, operating with a certain decorum”

    What? Like making fun of special olympic athletes? She considers that to be classy & adult? Noonan considers the Clinton staffers grabbing a helicopter to play a round of golf to be “colorful, messy, slightly mad”, but Obama’s annexation of the US auto industry to be perfectly sane & logical? Furthermore, she thinks the GOP should emulate such behavior?

  3. You have got to love the delusions of RINO’s like Noonan.

  4. Butch says:

    My sentiments exactly…

  5. John Ryan says:

    Teach the bigger the hissy fit that the GOP throws the more it will hurt them.

  6. Hissy fits sure seemed to help the Democrats regain power, John, starting in 2006.

  7. Little Generious Fudgepackers says:

    dont’ try to reason with him teach he is an obot who thinks any opposition to sotomayor is racist and who thinks getting saddened by abortion should be illegal

  8. You could be right, LGF.

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