Nope. Try a little earlier.
At Yale, Kerry was chairman of the Political Union and later, as Commencement speaker, urged the United States to withdraw from Vietnam and to scale down foreign military operations. And this was way back in 1966.
But the memory was “seared….seared” into his mind that Christmas 1968, and changed his whole outlook, wasn’t it? I guess not. Simply another case of Flipper gone wild. He is simply untrustworthy. Bush isn’t necessarily my favorite. I voted for Gore. That is for another day. I detest President Bush’s environmental policies. But, he has cajones, and will take the fight to the terrorists. You know where he stands. With Kerry, you have an idea based on that mythical 18+ years that he won’t talk about. But, can we really trust him to tell us what we should hear, not what he thinks we want to hear, and back it up with action? No.
You can also get the entire aticle at Free Speech, in case someone gets Harvard to take the article down.
Another great part of the article is:
When he approached his draft board for permission to study for a year in Paris, the draft board refused and Kerry decided to enlist in the Navy. The Navy assigned him to the USS Gridley which between December 1966 and July 1968 saw four months of action off the Vietnam coast. In August through November, 1968, Kerry was trained to be the skipper of a patrol boat for Vietnamese rivers. For the next five months, until April of 1969, Kerry was the commanding Lieutenant of a patrol boat in the Mekong Delta. He was wounded slightly on three different occasions and received a Silver Star for bravery. His patrol boat took part in Operation Sealords, mostly scouting out Viet Cong villages and transporting South Vietnamese marines to various destinations up and down narrow rivers covered with heavy foliage on either side. One time Kerry was ordered to destroy a Viet Cong village but disobeyed orders and suggested that the Navy Command simply send in a Psychological Warfare team to be friend the villagers with food, hospital supplies, and better educational facilities.
So here we have the Harvard Crimson giving the true history of Kerry’s service. This article, remember is from 1970.