Author Archives: William Teach

If All You See…

…are horrible Bad Weather clouds from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Coyote Blog, with a post on the accumulation of regulation.

Trump Signs Even More Orders For The Military

He’s still working hard to make the U.S. military the lethal fighting machine it is meant to be, not a social experiment breeding ground for crazy leftists Trump signs 4 new executive orders, transforming military President Trump signed a bevy of new executive orders Monday evening that have the potential to significantly transform the Defense Department (DOD). […]

Georgia Coastal Snow Totally Means Anthropogenic Climate Change

I’m almost tempted to touch on the new study for an even that only happened a few weeks ago that Blames ‘climate change’ for the California fires. It’s almost like they were ready to trot it out. How do you do a study that fast? And all the Credentialed Media are yapping about it. Anyhow […]

Surprise: Biden Admin Knew About The Drones, Were For “Research Purposes”

Well, this is wild Well, there it is. The drones were not the enemy, but rather authorized by the Biden administration for “research purposes“ and they lied to you and pretended that they didn’t know what they were. What was the point, to scare voters? WTF — ???????? ????'???????????? ???????????????????????????? (@KCOnTheRadio) January 28, 2025 […]

If All You See…

…is horrible, world killing beer full of carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Powerline, with a post on playing hooky on the taxpayer dime (adjusted for Bidenflation). Sorry, totally spaced setting it up.

Doomsday Clock Moved Due To Global Boiling, Other Things

Of course, this is really more about what happened in 2024, primarily Biden’s bad policies ‘Doomsday Clock’ moves closer to midnight amid threats of climate change, nuclear war, pandemics, AI Earth is moving closer to destruction, a science-oriented advocacy group said Tuesday as it advanced its famous “Doomsday Clock” to 89 seconds till midnight, the […]

Google To Use Gulf Of America, Mt. McKinley On Updated Maps

Pretty wild how so many are simply complying with the Trump administration, trying to get along, rather than acting as The Unhinged Resistance Google to change map names for Gulf of Mexico and Denali when US updates them based on Trump order Google says it will take its cue from the U.S. government if it […]

PRC Attempting Make It Easier For People And Insurance Companies To Sue Fossil Fuels Companies

This is more of the Blame Shifting by the state for the disastrous policies of the state, county, and city which led to the horrible wildfires, and, yet, the people who are looking to pass it aren’t giving up their own use of fossil fuels, nor are most of the Comrades and insurance companies California […]

ICE Arrests Almost 1,000 Illegals In One Day

Amazing what can happen when ICE is allowed to do their job, eh? ICE arrests nearly 1,000 illegal aliens during sixth day of Trump administration Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) made nearly 1,000 arrests on Sunday, with lots of activity taking place in the southeastern United States, according to various ICE field offices. The agency […]

Doom Today: Cult Study Prognosticates 2.3 Million More Hotcoldwetdry Deaths By 2099

I’d ask who gets fired when this doesn’t happened, but, first, no one will remember this crystal ball reading in 2099, and, second, the cult will simply link all deaths to the weather, just like they did with Wuhan Flu. The talking point went out Climate study warns of 2.3m more temperature-related deaths in Europe […]

Pirate's Cove