Author Archives: William Teach

If All You See…Christmas Edition

…is a world turning to sand from too much heat, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post on the most American Christmas ever.

Pinup Christmas

Merry Christmas, all! A few others

Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus

Every Christmas, once everyone is up, Christmas greetings were made, hugs were exchanged, the presents were opened, and breakfast was being made, I would read this first in the paper (ye olde parental units get an actual paper, and they live in NJ). It is a Christmas classic that has always touched my soul. While […]

This Is What Christmas Is All About, Charlie Brown

Hilariously, my upload, which was one of the first, if not the first, on Youtube was wacked, but, there are plenty of others up, fortunately.

Your Fault: Spanish Barnacles Doomed From Global Boiling

They survived just fine during the previous Holocene warm periods, and cool periods. But, not, doom! The barnacle, Spaniards’ favourite Christmas dish, imperilled by climate change On the craggy rocks on northwestern Spain’s treacherous Costa da Morte (Death Coast), wetsuit-clad fishermen dodge crashing waves as they pick barnacles, a prized Christmas delicacy facing decline due […]

If All You See…

…is terrible heatsnow from Other People eating meat, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Sultan Knish, with a post on Ireland committing genocide against itself.

USA Today TDS: Santa Is Nicer Than That “Other Guy” In The Red Hat

I wonder if the media has any clue that they are loathed, that they are not trusted, and that their TDS actually worked against them? Did any editor at the USA Today consider that Rex Huppke needs some therapy? Yes, I believe in Santa Claus. He’s more kind than the other guy with a red […]

Climate Cult Expert Explains Talking About Climate Doom At Christmas

How about “don’t”? But, hey, if a Warmist brings it up ask them how they traveled to the gathering Is silence golden? What a change expert says about family climate conversations at Christmas time Do you engage with climate deniers that come your way this Christmas? And if so, what’s the best way to do […]

Murderous Firebug Was Illegal Already Deported In 2018 But Living Known In SCNY

We now know more about the insane killer Fiend accused of burning woman to death on NYC subway is illegal migrant from Guatemala who sneaked into US after he was deported The illegal Guatemalan migrant accused of setting a straphanger on fire and gawking as she burned to death was once deported — but sneaked back into the US […]

Adult Children Super Worried About Global Boiling In College

This is what the Cult of Climastrology has done to kids, turning them into mental messes, and now many are in college College students get emotional about climate change. Some are finding help in class More than 50% of youth in the United States are very or extremely worried about climate change, according to a recent […]

Pirate's Cove