Author Archives: William Teach

If All You See…

…are trees that will soon die from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on a bear proving the theory of gravity.

Los Federales Raid And Arrest Venezuelan Gang Members In The Bronx

Remember, the Biden-Harris admin and their Comrades in the media were telling us this was all part of Trump’s imagination Feds raid migrant Tren de Aragua gang house in NYC — after tracking GPS ankle monitor to hideout Federal agents nabbed a migrant Tren de Aragua gang crew holed up in a Bronx apartment — […]

ZOMG! Potatoes Under Threat From Climate Doom

You’ll no longer be able to boil ’em, mash ’em, stick ’em in a *stew*! Lovely big, golden chips with a nice piece of fried fish An essential Christmas dinner item is under threat from global warming As climate change hits, the future of some of our most basic crops, and a staple of Christmas […]

Zelenskyy Says Ukraine Cannot Retake Territory From Russia

Of course, this is all your fault for not giving Ukraine all they wanted, except for the hundreds of billions in arms, weapons, and straight up cash. Strangely, I’m not seeing this in US Credentialed Media outlets, just Politico Europe Ukraine lacks might to retake occupied territories, Zelenskyy concedes Ukraine currently doesn’t have the military […]

Climate Cult Scientists Have Idea To Spread Diamond Dust To Stop Global Boiling

There’s just one teensy weensy problem Scientists say sprinkling diamond dust into the sky could offset almost all of climate change so far — but it’ll cost $175 trillion Sprinkling diamond dust into the atmosphere could offset almost all the warming caused by humans since the industrial revolution and “buy us some time” with climate […]

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon bike which Everyone Else should be forced to use, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Watts Up With That?, with a post on conflicts of interest in Biden’s green loans.

Democrats Are Super Bummed Over Trump Settlement With ABC News

It’s a real shame when your Comrades in the Credentialed Media have to be careful to no longer lie about Trump and Republicans. The 1st Amendment technically says that Congress can pass no law on freedom of the press. It doesn’t say anything about them not being immune to being sued for libel and slander […]

ClimaLawfare: Climate Cult Gets Rare Win In Montana Supreme Court Case

And then the court immediately ordered that all the plaintiffs must end their own use of fossil fuels, give up eating meat, no longer use lots of energy for their Instagram and Tiktok and streaming shows, have to make their own clothes and/or buy used, and stop wearing warm coats and boots made with petroleum […]

Brandon Slaps Down Trump Over Drones Or Somethin

The moonbat leftists at the Daily Beast were super excited over this Biden Slaps Down Trump and Explains the Mystery Drones President Joe Biden on Tuesday made his first public comments about recent reports of unexplained drone sightings in the northeast. Asked by reporters what was behind the drones, Biden answered: “Nothing nefarious, apparently, but […]

Hotcold Take: NOAA Climate Cultists To Rename It “Air Quality”

I’m not even sure what kind of graphic do I use for this. The animated BS meter? One of the various climate cult ones? A GIF of laughter? Something new? (via Jo Nova) Anxious scientists brace for Trump’s climate denialism: ‘We have a target on our backs’ As the world’s largest gathering of Earth and […]

Pirate's Cove