August 24, 2005 – 9:15 am
Hey, y’all, Jebediah here. Ya know, I get a big hoot out of them thar Demoncrats (demorats, dummocrats, etc) always calling us Southerners (ALWAYS spelled with a Capital S, ya hear?) rednecks and such. That’s a heck of a good way to win the South (<see!) come 2008. Heck, Al Gore couldn’t even carry his […]
August 17, 2005 – 9:15 pm
Has Air America repaid the money yet? How about those bounced checks? No? Daaaammmmm Radio Equalizer and Michelle Malkin have more. LOTS more. In depth. Read it all.
August 17, 2005 – 8:43 am
Hey, y’all, Jeb here. Teach told me to stay away from the Huffington Post, but I get a hoot out of watching moonbats pretend they think normally. Now, there must be some sort of alien control of the moonbats, due to irrational inability to mention Bill Clinton in a negative light. Case in point: Laurie […]
August 10, 2005 – 8:44 am
Folks, make sure to go to Day By Day, and click for Cathy. Or Click on the Cartoon
August 10, 2005 – 8:08 am
Hey, y’all, Jebediah here. Seems that that sex offender, Bill Clinton, wants the USA to be more friendly in winning the War on Terror: Former U.S. President Bill Clinton said on Tuesday the United States needed to build alliances rather than pursuing policies that might foster terrorism. "We cannot isolate ourselves from the world behind […]
August 3, 2005 – 8:27 am
I reckon Teach had his say into Air America Deadbeat and their thieving, treacherous ways, not it’s my turn. Thanks to AD and Evan Cohen, the Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club is pretty much toast (along with Pathways). So those poor minority kids, which Dems always seem to mention, then hurt, are out of […]
August 3, 2005 – 7:51 am
Good Morning, Y’all! It is simply amazing that the Dems can spin an election loss somehow into a win. Jean Schmidt (R) beat Paul Hacket (Very D) in a special election in Ohio’s 2nd District yesterday by 52% to 48%. Vote tallies were 57,974 to 54,401. But somehow, this is a win for the Dems. […]
July 27, 2005 – 7:27 am
Hey, y’all. Jebediah here. Is Air America Deadbeat stealing federal funds that were meant for the Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club? That is a question that them yanks in the NYC Department of Investigation would like to know (h/t Michelle Malkin leading to Radio Equalizer). I reckon I would, too. From the Bronx News: […]
July 20, 2005 – 2:12 pm
This old redneck is truly saddened by the demise of James Doohan, who played, of course, Scotty on the original Star Trek. The publicist for James Doohan says the actor who played Scotty on “Star Trek” has died at his home in Redmond, Wash. He was 85. The cause of his death was pneumonia and […]
July 20, 2005 – 11:37 am
Hey, this is Jebediah, sorry I missed y’all last week, but, we un’s were out doing some sailing, and the satellite dish was kaput. Salt air not to good for it. Let me tell you, the crew was none to happy to miss their stories. I have some dirt on the current queen of slime, […]