June 29, 2005 – 9:06 am
Ya know, in all my time, I have never visited that there Moveon.org website. ‘Specially since I thought that Soro’s feller was going to join a monastary if Bush won. Another lying liberal. But, ya know, if Move On is the guiding force behind the moonbattery (“Now it’s our party: we bought it, we own […]
June 29, 2005 – 8:46 am
Hey, y’all, Jebediah here. Now, that Bush feller sure ain’t white trash, but, I figger’d I needed to yap about his speech last night. I understand them leftazoids played some game where yu drink every time Pres Bush messed up a word. How sad. ‘Course, what it comes down to is that GWB is still […]
June 22, 2005 – 10:05 pm
Well, Teach and I were playing golf and discussing the proposed Flag Amendment. Yes, pirates need to relax, too. This isn’t a White Trash Wednesday post. This is serious. Now, reading around the ‘sphere, I have run across folks who support the Amendment, and folks who don’t. (Kinda shows that those who are Right of […]
June 22, 2005 – 4:36 pm
Just sitting here, having a Carolina Pale Ale, eating some pork rinds, and a thought hit me. The Lefties always say "we’re better than that (in reference to the USA when things go wrong)." You’re damn right we are, so why not try supporting the USA, for a change, Lefties? Meanwhile, God does exist: A […]
June 22, 2005 – 10:04 am
That Teach feller has just been too serious like as of late. I reckon we need to lighten it up a bit. AFI has released their Top 100 Movie Quotes. Some of my favorites (thanks, CoolHandLar): "Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn," "Gone With the Wind," 1939 "You don’t understand! I coulda had […]
June 22, 2005 – 8:11 am
‘Bought damn time you wised up, Dickie: Sen. Dick Durbin (search) went to the Senate floor late Tuesday to offer his apologies to anyone who may have been offended by his comparison of treatment of detainees at the U.S. military base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to Nazis, Soviet gulags and Cambodia’s Pol Pot. "More than […]
June 15, 2005 – 8:42 pm
Red are things that I sorta remember doing through the haze of tequila (Via Pusillanimous Wankers.)
June 15, 2005 – 8:43 am
That’s good news. Here’s a little snippet: Australian Douglas Wood, taken hostage six weeks ago in Iraq, has been freed in a military operation, Australia’s prime minister says. Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, speaking in a TV interview, said Wood was said to be in good physical shape but mentally exhausted. "An Iraqi military unit managed […]
June 15, 2005 – 8:21 am
Now, now, y’all bear with me for a moment now, ya hear? Alleged prisoner abuse at the Guantanamo military prison has created an "image problem" for the United States that can be fixed only by trying or releasing inmates, Senator John McCain said. "On the issue of Guantanamo Bay … there’s no doubt that there […]
June 8, 2005 – 11:40 am
Well, Teach called in, don’t know where the hell he is, though there was something about planks, one pistol, and Congress Critters in the background, but he wanted me to mention those nutballs from Lodi, California, who were arrested for terrorism, but wanted me to wait for some of the Leftie nutjob sites to get […]