Author Archives: Jebediah Murphy

Kerry and the Downing Street Memo

It’s amazing the fascination with that failed (and rented) presidential candidate, John Kerry. Down here in the South, he would be called white trash, and damn straight his wife would be a contender for white trash woman of the year. The guy is good for some cheap and deserved shots though. And, I’m a wonderin […]

WTW: Kerry signed and released

Hey, y’all, this is Jebediah. Teach left the keys. Now, about this Kerry critter signing his 180’s, he has apparently done that, and submitted them, and released the info (h/t to Poliblog for the story link). Senator John F. Kerry, ending at least two years of refusal, has waived privacy restrictions and authorized the release […]

American Flag Bidness

Looky here, we got ourselves a new member to the American Flag League. Y’all give a big "howdy" to GOP and the City. Welcome aboard, Matie!

WTW: Bonfire of That There Vanities

Since Teach is nowhere to be found (slacker), I figure I gots to do his job today, as well as havin some fun. This weeks Bonfire of That There Vanities thing, #100, is up at The Ravings of John C.A. Bambenek. Y’all go there and check it out. Why anyone would submit there worst posts […]

WTW: More Religion of Peace

When Teach said I could guest blog on Wednesdays, I reckoned I could be making fun of trash like Paris (both the city and the slut) and Britney (cow). But how can I, in good conscience, ignore a running theme? A bomb from a suicide attacker tore through a mosque during Wednesday’s funeral for a […]

Pirate's Cove