January 26, 2006 – 7:43 am
And again, the ACLU proves that not only do they not read or understand the US Constitution, but that they do, in fact, have an agenda: The United States has used the USA Patriot Act to improperly deny visas to foreign scholars critical of the Bush administration’s foreign policy, the American Civil Liberties Union said […]
January 26, 2006 – 2:30 am
Yeah, the ACLU probably doesn’t come to my little spot on the web, but, hey, you never know The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or […]
January 25, 2006 – 8:57 pm
Let me start with this: "President Bush needs to quit stonewalling about his White House’s connection to corruption, and finally tell us how he’s going to reform Washington," the Nevada Democrat demanded. Wouldn’t that be the job of the United States Congress, Harry? I refuse to call him Senator Reid, since he obviously is unable […]
January 25, 2006 – 6:42 pm
Some people may be shocked, but, not me. I have been saying for a long time that Hillary is not electable as President (via Drudge) Most voters now say there’s no way they’d vote for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton if she runs for president in 2008 – while just 16 percent are firmly in her […]
January 24, 2006 – 3:05 pm
Can anyone explain to me why women wear short skirts, flip flops, and no jacket, then complain that they are cold? Been a long time since I made a sexist remark like that :) PS: If I am only 4 steps lower then you on the escalator, and I can easily see your thong, while […]
January 24, 2006 – 8:11 am
Way back, from around the mid 700’s into the 1100’s, there was a period of time called the Medieval Climate Optimum. This was followed by a much colder period, known as the Little Ice Age, followed by our current age. The MCO was characterized by warmer temperatures. How about a few quick facts from the […]
January 24, 2006 – 7:42 am
We have all heard of a few of the afflictions that the Left has. Disorders such as PEST (post election selection trauma), 9/10/01 Syndrome, and BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome.) Well, what are some of the other ones they suffer from? First, there are the Clinton related disorders CDS: Clinton Deflection Syndrome: this is where any […]
January 23, 2006 – 6:16 pm
Via WRAL "It’s amazing that people say to me, `Well, he’s just breaking the law.’ If I wanted to break the law, why was I briefing Congress?" said Bush. Bamm! Kick it up a notch! Of course, the Kosbat kids are having tizzy’s, yapping on about some sort of power grab, yada yada yada. In […]
January 23, 2006 – 11:13 am
I rarely ever quote anyone on the political forum I post on other then to cite who posted a link. What happens on the forum stays on the forum. But, I think this one from Howie is really fantastic The Western is a uniquely American art form and embodies the American ideals of individualism, masculinity, […]
January 23, 2006 – 8:28 am
Avast! The American Flag League has several new members to announce: God Bless America A Large Regular Blue Star Chronicles Welcome aboard, Matey’s! Crossed at the AFL