Author Archives: William Teach

John Kerry Still Doesn’t Get It

Once again, rented Democratic Presidential contender John Forbes Kerry proves that he doesn’t really understand the GWOT, and what terrorists try to do Senator John Kerry said that the administration has tried to "exploit" public fears over terrorism and repeated allegations that the United States should have caught bin Laden on the Afghan-Pakistan border in […]

How About That Sun?

Found an older article from 2003 regarding the Sun in the magazine Space In what could be the simplest explanation for one component of global warming, a new study shows the Sun’s radiation has increased by .05 percent per decade since the late 1970s. The increase would only be significant to Earth’s climate if it […]

Trademark Infringement

There will be several bloggers who will be recieving court papers shortly, trademark infringement. Blogs for Bush and commentor rbj need to be a little more cautious in what they write. Such words as avast and aarrrrrr may only be used by certain bloggers (search Pirate) or at said bloggers blogs, except on International Talk […]

Global Warming: Please “Do Something,” W!

Red Orbit provides us with Deep planning (from a Philly Inquirer article): Jan. 21–The message to the Bush administration on global warming couldn’t be clearer: Do something. Since 2001, climatologists, environmentalists, economists, world leaders, governors, senators and business executives have been begging President Bush for something more than another study or voluntary cutbacks by industry […]

Sorta Blogless Sunday Interlude: What’s “The Real World?”

Having a bit of a discussion over at Julie With A B’s, regarding teaching in a liberal manner. Now, PW states in the comments Academics tilt liberal because academics are thinking people. Am I surprised that the smartest among us tend to be liberal? Skipping the partisan shots he takes, I don’t have a problem […]

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Staying With The “It’s Getting Warmer” Theme

Good summer (pirate thong) Bad summer

Don’t Tell Russia About Global Warming

If there is one place on Earth where they need it to be warmer, that would be Russia MOSCOW – Russia’s severest cold in a quarter of a century, with temperatures in Moscow at minus 8 Saturday, has killed at least 40 people and strained the nation’s crumbling infrastructure, with residents piling on the blankets […]

Global Warming Alarmism Continues

Let’s start with former EPA heads The U.S. is failing to take the lead in confronting global warming, a "dishonest" and "self-destructive" approach that only worsens the problem, say former federal environmental chiefs. "We need leadership, and I don’t think we’re getting it," Russell Train said Wednesday at an Environmental Protection Agency symposium commemorating the […]

I Wonder Why Environmentalists Are Treated Like Wackos

This just ticks me off The Justice Department on Friday announced a 65-count indictment against 11 environmental activists accused of ecoterrorism attacks in five states. The charges include conspiracy to commit arson; arson; attempted arson; use and possession of a destructive device; and destruction of an energy facility. "The indictment tells a story of four-and-a-half […]

Pirate's Cove