Category Archives: Asides

Aside: Diversity During Ramadan

Say, what is the proper behavior during Ramadan? snapped shot has the answer.

Aside: More Atlantic Insanity

Can we now start calling Ross Douthat Excitable Ross? Check the properties for the picture. Hover your mouse over it using Internet Explorer.

Aside: No Burying Non-Muslims On Saturday

Welcome to the dhimmitude of England. You can’t bury a non-Muslim on Saturday in Sheffield. See Report on Arrakis for the 411.

Aside: Obama Salute

The Obama Salute goes back farther then Star Trek, and Van Helsing points out who did it first.

Aside: Mocking The One

Over at snapped shot, Brian is requesting photoshops mocking The One. Why not take a shot at it, folks?

Aside: Rusty Retires?

Has Rusty at The Jawa Report retired? Read why

Aside: Crack Addled BO Supporters

Is the use of crack required to post at My Barry Obama?

Aside: Michelle On Hypocritical Media

Michelle Malkin’s latest column, Sisterhood of the Protected Female Journalists, is up. Check it out.

Aside: Sarah Palin Bikini

Stop The ACLU, among others, has a copy of the fake Sarah Palin with a gun bikini picture.

Aside: RNC Protesters Unhinged

Two links you need to check to see the unhinged RNC protesters, who, last time I checked, voted Democrat. See Michelle Malkin and Gateway Pundit.

Pirate's Cove