Category Archives: Asides

Aside: The American Princess On Palin

I was going to save this till Sunday, but, this article by the American Princess on Palin and the Liberal’s hysterical reactions is a necessary read.

Aside: Obama At 10am

Forget the 3am call. How would Barry handle the 10am call? Not too well, says Newsbusters, if Barry’s comments about Palin are any indication.

Aside: Barry’s First Puppy

For the humor story of the day (though I doubt the HuffPo folks thought it was humor,) This Ain’t Hell has the story on what kind of 1st Puppy Barry should get.

Aside: Michelle M On Missing Riots

Michelle Malkin: What if they held a riot, and no one came?

Aside: Barry’s Taste In Star Trek Episodes Has Improved

In regards to Barry’s Greek stage production (what’s wrong with American, Barry?), Ed Morrissey writes that at least Barry’s taste in Star Trek episodes has improved.

Aside: Excitable Andy Loves Biden

I think it is about high time that Excitable Andy stop pimping his book, since he has completely drunk the Barry kool aid.

Aside: A New Olympic Event

snapped shot brings us the newest event for the 2012 Olympics

Aside: PETA Wackos

What do PETA wackos have to do with Sea World? Ogre has the answer

Aside: Coke’s Dhimmitude

Coke is doing what? Becoming dhimmi’s? Ogre has the story

Aside: McCain On Paris

TMZ is carrying the story of how McCain thinks Paris Hilton’s energy plan is better then Barry’s. Heh

Pirate's Cove