Category Archives: Asides

Aside: RWN On Influential Republicans

Right Wing News has The 25 Most Influential People On The Right According To Conservative Bloggers. Check it out.

Aside: Easley To Endorse Hillary

Interesting. NC Gov. Mike Easley is taking the time to endorse Hillary. He had no time for the Duke Lacrosse Rape case, but, that’s another story.

Aside: Excitable Andy On The Warpath. Again

I’d say that Excitable Andy has lost his mind, but, that happened long ago. He is going totally bonkers on “torture” of AQ members yet again.

Aside: RWN Interviews More Conservative Women

John Hawkins interviews six conservative women on dating. Good stuff!

Aside: Nancy P Gets Owned

I love when Democrats get hoist on their OWNED petard. They talk a good game, but, action? See Michelle M.

Aside: Alan Colmes Very Un-PC

Alan Colmes gets all sorts of un-PC. Good for him!

Aside: Obama In Quotes

Right Wing News has the best of Barack Hussein Obama’s quotes. Check it out. It’s an eye opener.

Aside: Hardcore Marylin Monroe

Apparently, there is a hard core sex movie of Marylin Monroe out there.

Aside: Senior Arrested In Greensboro, NC

They told me that if Dubya was re-elected, seniors with reduced hearing would be arrested for protesting. They were right (Michelle Malkin)

Aside: Celebrity Slut Puppies

Right Wing News has changed, and is now Celebrity Slut Puppies.

Pirate's Cove