Category Archives: Asides

Aside: Fearmongering

Gabriel Malor at Ace of Spades takes on the “fear mongering” meme regarding FISA.

Aside: Kosovo Independence Bad?

Leave it to a liberal to find independence to be a possible bad thing?

Aside: Rusty On 1,000 Words

1,000 Words: Supporting the troops lefty style. Check The Jawa Report for the details.

Aside: Top McCain VP Picks

Over at Right Wing News, John Hawkins highlights the top 24 potential VP picks for McCain.

Aside: Local Threats

Apparently, there were some threats to malls and the RDU airport, here in the Raleigh area.

Aside: 5 Cables Cut?

Everyone is talking about a 4th undersea cable being cut. Rusty S. thinks it might be 5.

Aside: Code Pink Declares War

I (Heart) Irony. Code Pink has declared war on the Marines in Berkley. Cassandra has the story.

Aside: Ronulans File Criminal Complaints

Ronulans file criminal complaints against the MSM for trying to stop Paul. No, seriously. Right Wing News has the low down.

Aside: Bloggers National Security Threat

Did you know bloggers are national security threats? Get the 411 at Outside The Beltway.

Aside: Fairness Doctrine

The Radio Equalizer shows why libtards want the Fairness Doctrine

Pirate's Cove