Category Archives: Asides

Aside: SCOTUS To Rule On Child Rape

SCOTUS will decide next week whether rape of a child deserves the death penalty. See Stop The ACLU for the 411. My answer is “yes.”

Aside: Hils To Femizine Herself

Is Hillary going to feminize herself and appear warmer. Yeah. See TMZ for the details.

Aside: SCOTUS To Rule On Child Rape

SCOTUS will decide next week whether rape of a child deserves the death penalty. See Stop The ACLU for the 411. My answer is “yes.”

Aside: Air Deadbeat Unhinged

The Radio Equalizer catches more unhinged and disturbing libtalk on Air America.

Aside: Pirates Vs. Lumberjacks

Lumberjack is killing me with this Hillary photo.

Aside: Laser Beams Killed Bhutto?

Exposing another in a long line of leftard conspiracy theories, The Strata-Sphere delves into the fever swamps of laser beams killing Bhutto.

Aside: 40 Most Obnoxious Quotes

Head over to Right Wing News to check out the 40 most obnoxious quotes of the year.

Aside: Moonbat Protesters Arrested

Iraq surrender monkeys arrested -rightly so – for trespassing at Huckabee’s office in Iowa.

Aside: NBC Not So Green Now

‘Member that week where NBC “went green?” Well, not so much, now! See Hot Air.

Aside: Paul Keeps White Supremacist’s Money

He can rationalize it all he wants, but, Ron Paul plans to keep the money from white supremacist Don Black (Q and O)

Pirate's Cove