Category Archives: Asides

Aside: Right Wing News On Ron Paul

John Hawkins at Right Wing News does the best job so far on why so many Conservatives (the majority) are against Ron Paul. Check it out.

Aside: Ron Paul = Alan Keyes

Woops! Ron Paul is making lots of money. Will he spend it to get out of Alan Keyes’ basement?

Aside: Yet Another F’ing Petition

Good news! Yet another worthless petition from the nutball progressives. They love their petitions like NAMBLA loves…well, you know.

Aside: Moonbats At Newsweek

Newsweek is apparently no longer content with dhimmi commentaries.

Aside: Fred! Apologizes To The Huckster

Really, Fred! is just that kind of a nice guy. Check Stop The ACLU for the full details.

Aside: Ron Paul Boo’d

Paul apparently went on one of his “we should trade with people who hate us, and we are responsible for them hating us” rants at the Spanish debates. Check Hot Air and Rolling Stone.

Aside: Holiday Trees

Don’t buy your Holiday trees from Sears or KMart. 411 at Liberty Counsel

Aside: Don Surber On Iraq

Don Surber has an excellent article up regarding Iraq and political progress. Check it out.

Aside: Right Wing News On Kos

Right Wing News has the 2nd Annual Worst Quotes From The Daily Kosbat. Check it ou.

Aside: Hot Air Blogs The Qur’an

Y’all really need to check out todays Blogging The Qur’an over at Hot Air. Especially you folks who think Islam is a religion of peace.

Pirate's Cove