Category Archives: Asides

Aside: MM On CNN’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Policy

Check out Michelle Malkin’s new article on the CNN debacle, available at her site and the NY Post.

Aside: Israel Goes Hunting

John Hawkins at Right Wing News wishes Israel happy hunting.

Aside: France Calming Down

The riots by the RoP were much calmer on Wednesday night.

Aside: The Jawa Report Helps Bust Bilal Hussein

A story you have to check out. Rusty of The Jawa Report helped nab Bilal Hussein. You remember him. He is the AP stringer accused of helping Al Qaeda in Iraq. Kudo’s, Rusty!

Aside: Liberal Heads Exploding

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, the most liberal Court in the country, has upheld “warrentless wiretaps.” See Rusty and Patterico for the 411. Jammie Wearing Fool has exploding moonbats.

Blogs For Victory

Did you know that Blogs For Bush has been replaced? The guys have come up with a fantastic new site, Blogs For Victory. Check it out.

Is Silky Running In N.H., Or His Wife?

Check out the events scheduled for the next few days. Looks more like Elizabeth Edwards is the one running for President, not John.

Aside: Impeachment Palooza II

Hey, NC, did you know we have our own resident impeachapalooza moonbat, and the tag after his title is an R? See Michelle M, about halfway down the article.

Aside: Dems Lost Trust In Americans

Over at Hot Air, we can read about what the Dem politicians really think of the American public. They do not trust us, per Joe Biden.

Aside: NBC Go Green Goes Out With Wimper

Over at Newsbusters, they catch NBC going of Green Week with a wimper, dismissing the activism, which was “replaced by little more than a travelogue.”

Pirate's Cove