Category Archives: Asides

Aside: Impeachment Palooza

Impeachment Palooza is coming to D.C. If only I had taken this week off instead of last. Would have loved to watch the hysterics live. Anyhow, keep an eye on this Michelle Malkin post thru the day for the 411.

Aside: Right Wing News Interviews Ann Coulter

Check out Right Wing News, which features an interview of Ann Coulter. Excellent.

Aside: Sex and Marriage With A Robot?

Sex and marriage with a robot? No longer in the realm of science fiction, and Stacy has something to say about this. Check it out.

Aside: Flag Ceremony Banned

Good news! Liberals are winning the war against the Flag and the military. Parts of the Flag Ceremony are now banned at 125 national cemetaries. See The Thunder Run.

Aside: Ron Paul And Neo Nazi’s

Did Ron Paul take money from Don Black, the owner of Stormfront, a neo-Nazi/white supremacist website? Sure looks like it. See Lone Star Times (which did fantastic work exposing this) for the full details.

Aside: MVRWC On Ronulans

Over at MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, Sparta discusses the banning of the Ronulans over at Red State. PaulSpammers to show up soon to prove her point.

Aside: Illegals Stealing Fire Relief Supplies

Illegals wouldn’t steal relief supplies for the victims of the fires in California, would they? You betcha they would! See Michelle Malkin for the details.

Aside: A New Liberal Media

Good news! There is a new liberal media start up, which is going to have stories of “moral force.” What the heck does a liberal know about morals? See Stop The ACLU for the full story.

Aside: NC Education

Graduation rates are not the same as education. See Ogre for the details.

Aside: Obama’s Patriotism

First there was Obama saying he would not wear a Flag pin. Now, he goes on to prove that patriotism just really isn’t his thing. Wonderful presidential candidate, eh? See Right Wing News for the 411.

Pirate's Cove