October 23, 2007 – 10:33 am
Watching Air America is like watching Britney Spears in very slow motion. You know that something bad is going to happen, but you just cannot take your eyes away. See Michelle Malkin for the last Air Deadbeat issue.
October 23, 2007 – 5:30 am
Looks like Dem “he’s not Hillary” candidate B. Hussein Obama isn’t into civil rights for gays. But, hey, it wasn’t a conservative who said it.
October 22, 2007 – 8:57 pm
I wonder why all those libs who complain about the Club Gitmo vacationers won’t take them in at their homes. Hot Air has the answer.
October 20, 2007 – 7:14 am
Mel Martinez has resigned as RNC Chairman. Thank goodness! Perhaps we can get someone in their with some cajones.
October 19, 2007 – 10:20 am
Check out MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy to see how our troops are torturing women and children in the dead of night with ………..
October 18, 2007 – 8:50 am
NJ beat the Pens 6-5 in a wild game Wednesday night.
October 16, 2007 – 7:31 pm
A must read story by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, “what is the price of liberty?”
October 13, 2007 – 9:43 am
A story you really need to read over at Blue Star Chronicles, about Lt. Michael Murphy, a Navy Seal killed in the line of duty in Afghanistan, who is to to be pusthumously presented with the Medal of Honor.
October 13, 2007 – 8:39 am
It looks like another one of the cleared Haditha Marines plans on suing Murtha. Go get ’em! See Hot Air for the details.
October 11, 2007 – 5:34 pm
Did the Silk Pony have an affair? Interesting stupid if true. Check Stop The ACLU for all the 411.