Category Archives: Asides

Aside: NY DL Plan For Illegals Illegal

Very interesting. It appears that Elliot Spitzer’s plan to give DL’s to illegal aliens is, yup, illegal. Check Hot Air for the story and video.

Aside: Nutroots Dictionary Equates Debate With Smear

Regarding this whole S-CHIP debate, Michelle Malkin highlights the insanity and viciousness of those great debaters, the Nutroots. Unhinged might be too nice of a word. Lying, duplicious, in need of Prozac, mental, disturbed. Nope, still to nice. Truth to power.

Aside: Climahysteria

More climahysteria over at al-Reuters. No, no, couldn’t have anything to do with an anti-capitalist agenda, right?

Aside: Annoyances

I must say, it is rather annoying that TV shows that haven’t even premiered are called "hits." In other words, find a good book.

Aside: Kate Beckinsale Hotty!

Underworld hottie Kate Beckinsale in tasteful, yet smoking, photo’s (FYI, Kontraband might not be SFW, thought the pictures are.)

Aside: Bomber Busted In Vienna

No, no, there are no terrorists. Certainly not ones with a backpack full of explosives (reportedly grenades) and nails and leave them near the US embassy in Vienna.

Aside: Think Before You Post

Thinking of posting personal stuff online? Getting a little freaky? Some good advice.

Aside: Terror Suspects On The Run In Britain

The hunt is on in Britain for a terror suspect wanted in connection with the plot to bomb Frankfort airport and a US airbase in Germany.

Aside: Skull F*cking

Ocular Penetration Act on C-SPAN. This is really, really bad. Language NSFW. Still, can’t you see this actually happening on the Congressional floor?

Aside: Pinups For Vets

Have you gotten your "Pinups For Vets" calendar yet?

Pirate's Cove