Category Archives: Asides

Aside: ACLU To Get Lawyers For Terrorists

The ACLU loves our confined terrorists. Even wants to get them lawyers. Read the whole despicable thing over at Stop The ACLU

Aside: Unlocked iPhones Wacked

Unlocked your iPhone? Do not update the software. Otherwise, it will be worth less then toast. PS: I like Schofields end statement.

Aside: More Venessa Hudgens

Yup, more photos of Vanessa Hudgens have surfaced. Well, at least the boys who watch High School Musical enjoy them.

Aside: Fake But True

Today’s Raleigh N&O reprints an editorial from the Wash Post regarding Danny R, his $70 million lawsuit, and how the papers were fake but true.

Aside: Good News, Liberals Love The Marines

As long as they do not have to actually, you know, see them. See Hot Air.

Aside: Jennifer Aniston

Heh heh. Jennifer Aniston’s Hawaiian Bikini Adventure. Too thong on not, that is the question. (via Conservative Grapevine)

Aside: Is Silky Most “Electable?”

I swear, the Wash Post’s "The Fact Checker" is really funny. Today’s hard hitting episode is a silly quote from the Breck Girl. Check it out. And check the others. No bias!

Aside: Boooosh Killed Mandela

Or is that Saddam killed Mandela? Or was it the Illuminati? Once the reality based community (snicker) gets involved, anything goes! Check Hot Air for the straight story.

Aside: Talk Like A Pirate Translator

Want to talk like a pirate? Here is a little translator to make it easy, Mates!

Aside: VH To Pose For Sexy Photos is reporting that "disgraced teen" Vanessa Hudgens, she of camera phone nude shot fame, might pose for some sexy (non-nude) shots, ala Hayden Panattiere. That should earn her some respect!

Pirate's Cove