Category Archives: Asides

Aside: Attack On Iran Coming?

Check out this post by Jay at Stop The ACLU. Some good information about the difficulties with Iran.

Aside: Kerry Panders To Nutroots

John "I’ll tell you my Iraq plan if elected" Kerry shows up at the Hufftard Post, preaching doom and gloom, retreat and defeat, and promises to keep them in the loop on how that is going. As much as I love to excerpt the wackos, Kerry isn’t worth more then an aside.

Aside: Vanessa Hudgens Nude

Woops! Another actress in the nude. And, the picture is real. Vanessa Hudgens made a bit of a mistake taking that picture, eh? (NSFW!!!!!) BTW, I am glad I did not post the picture. If you read this People article, it sure looks to me that she was underage when it was taken.

Aside: Random Thought

Democrats do not believe we are in a war with radical Islam, and the RNC does not believe we are in a political war with Democrats. Both are recipes for losing.

Aside: Global Warmin

Say, whatever happened to that whole climate change debate? Ever since the Goracles Live Earth concert, has seemed to become low level, page 25 material.

Aside: Sweden Not Sorry

Heh heh. Regarding the latest Mohammed cartoon, which seemed tame since he wasn’t portrayed in reality, ie, a murderous pedophile, has now come to "Muslims are so thin skinned." Check Hot Air for the details.

Aside: Larry Craig

One and only Larry Craig post (and it is just an aside, too!): I have said enough in other blogs comments, but, why are we not going with the liberal refrain "it’s just sex"?

Aside: Where’s Cold Cash?

A thought occurs: what the hell is Cold Cash Jefferson doing for New Orleans? Meanwhile, Scrappleface features Obama’s take on Katrina rebuilding.

Aside: BeldarBlog Offers Kerry His Day In Court

Y’all have got to read this post over at the Beldar Blog. Think Waffles will accept? Hint: it is about the Swift Boat Vets for Truth and defamation.

Aside: Right Wing News On KrazyKosKids

John Hawkins catches a funny advertisement at Kos Kids World. Watching the left eat it’s own. LOL!

Pirate's Cove