Category Archives: Asides

Aside: I Agree With The DU

Amazing. For a change, I completely agree with the DUmmies.

Aside: Guess That Violent Congressman!

The media is playing their little "can you guess which party the guy who went ape at the airport is part of?" game. Fortunately, Glenn and Allahpundit are good guessers. How ’bout you?

Aside: Uncle Kracker Arrested

It is always special when something happens to put your home town in the news. Uncle Kracker was arrested for a second-degree forcible sex offense, and is being held under a $5 million bail.

Aside: Libs Love America?

A thought occurs: when is the last time you heard a liberal actually say something positive about America? Or say there is something they love about America? It always seems to be they would love Her if she was completely changed.

Aside: Rove Resigning

Darth Rove, the bane of Leftards everywhere, is leaving come August 31, 2007. Who will serve as their boogyman now? See more detail at Michelle Malkin’s spot and Hot Air. Nutroots going nutrooty at the DU and HuffPost. No time to excerpt some of the funniest ones.

Aside: Ogre Has a Liberal Joke

If you are a liberal, and only a liberal, check out the joke at Ogre’s.

Aside: Flight 93 Memorial

It is getting down to crunch time for the Flight 93 Memorial, and the f’ing Islamic crescent, pointing almost perfectly at Mecca, is still part of the plan.

Aside: La Lohan Arrested Again

Breaking: News outlets are reporting that Lindsay Lohan has been arrested yet again for DUI. Go figure. Keep an eye on TMZ for updates. Woops. Add cocaine possession, too.

Aside: Draft Elizabeth Edwards

Quick thought: isn’t it time for John Edwards to move aside and let Elizabeth run for president? I mean, she is the one with the cajones in the family.

Aside: Supporting Israel

Think this will see the light of day? H.RES.557 : Strongly condemning the United Nations Human Rights Council for ignoring severe human rights abuses in various countries, while choosing to unfairly target Israel by including it as the only country permanently placed on the Council’s agenda.

Pirate's Cove