Category Archives: Asides

Aside: Dems Kill John Doe Legislation

Color me unsurprised. Democrats say they are for civil liberties and 1st Amendment rights, yet, they are all for people being sued if they report disturbing behavior. Visit Michelle M and Hot Air for the full 411.

Aside: Paultard

Ron "Paultard" Paul. Ron "Paultard" Paul. Ron "Paultard" Paul. Ron "Paultard" Paul. Ron "Paultard" Paul. Ron "Paultard" Paul. Ron "Paultard" Paul. Ron "Paultard" Paul. Ron "Paultard" Paul. Ron "Paultard" Paul. Ron "Paultard" Paul. Ron "Paultard" Paul. Ron "Paultard" Paul. Ron "Paultard" Paul. Ron "Paultard" Paul. Ron "Paultard" Paul. Googlebombing at its best!

Aside: LiLo Naked?

Uh Oh! is reporting there are nude pics of Linday Lohan out there, and they got them. LiLo confirms they are real. Let the bidding begin! Check out TMZ, since CelebSlam is basically down after the report, or the NY Post. Just what a recovering drunk needs.

Aside: Raping Americans Americans Won’t

This is what the open borders folks, including President Bush, have wrought. A 15 year old raped by an illegal alien. Check And Rightly So! for the full, disgusting details.

Aside: Illegal Bill Going Down?

"The way this has been handled, I’m not going to take a leap of faith," said Sen. Richard M. Burr, North Carolina Republican, who voted to advance the bill on Tuesday but said the way Democratic leaders ran the floor yesterday left no room to "take a bad bill and make it better." Read more.

Aside: Sign The Secure Borders Petition

Sen. Inhofe has a petition up to secure the borders. Check it out, sign it. (H/t Michelle M.)

Aside: No War For Beer

No War For Beer, says Confederate Yankee

Aside: First Open Borders Amnesty Awards

Michelle and the folks at Hot Air are handing out their First Annual Open Borders Amnesty Awards. Go check out who the winners (weiners?) are.

Aside: Rusty Catches Fauxtography?

It sure seems as if something is amiss, as Rusty at The Jawa Report certainly catches some wonkiness in the photos. Consider the angle of the missile. You would think it would be more pronounced, rather then almost vertical.

Aside: GWCBM Hypocrites

Not that I didn’t expect this, but check out the SUV photo’s at a Goracle book signing over at Hot Air and Zombie’s (photo’s taken by Zombie)

Pirate's Cove