Category Archives: Asides

Aside: How The NY Times Handled Firing All The US Attorney’s

Sweetness and Light has the 411, and the full article, from the NY Times, 3/24/1993, on Clinton and Reno asking for resignations from all 93 US Attorneys. On the same subject, Dick Morris and Eileen McGann ask "When will the Bush administration grow some guts?"

AsideL Save Knut The Polar Cub!

Greata! at Hooah Wife and Friends highlights how animal activists want to wack a polar bear cub.

Aside: Huff Post On USS Cole Bomber

Not really worth an excerpt of the comments, but check out what the HuffTards think of the guy who masterminded the killing of Americans on the USS Cole.

Aside: Jules Crittenden: Insurgents Resilient!

Excellent post over at Jules Crittenden's spot, catching the AP being their normal terrorist supporting selves

Asides: Quick Links

Ogre finds the strangest stuff And Rightly So! ate tasty animals in honor of PETA Blue Star Beth says Happy St. Patrick's Day

Aside: Captain Ed: Bush pulls out the veto pen

Captain Ed discusses the quandry W is in if the Democratic surrender funding passes.

Aside: Malkin On Pelosi And Code Pink

Good stuff from Michelle on Code Pink staking out Pelosi's home. Dove, Dove, goose!

Aside:Trial In Hazelton Under Way

Make sure you read the article, which shows how lost the ACLU (American?) is on illegal immigration.

Saturday Asides

Ogre has his Friday Feast up. Go pig out. Little Miss Attila has The Politics of Outing Kim at And Rightly So! has Maine's most eastern point. I love light houses.

Aside: Wizbang Gets C-Span

Great job by Kevin at Wizbang for pursing C-SPAN, and getting them to allow bloggers to post material, since Nancy Pelosi was doing it in violation of their policies.

Pirate's Cove