Category Archives: Asides

Aside: The Other McCain On Hopeless Harry Reid

The Other McCain: Nevada Voters to Hopeless Harry Reid: ‘We’re Just Not That Into You’

Aside: Nice Deb On Harry Reid’s Campaign Kick Off

Nice Deb: Harry Reid Kicks Off Campaign Tour In Searchlight To A Crowd of Approximately 100

Aside: No Sheeples Here Celebrates Duke Victory

No Sheeples Here: One Short Shot

Aside: Traveling In The New Era Of ObamaCare

Gay Patriot: Traveling In The New Era Of ObamaCare

Aside: Had Enough? Fight Back!

No Sheeples Here: Had Enought? Fight Back!

Aside: VIDEO: Why the Stimulus Isn’t Working

The Other McCain: VIDEO: Why the Stimulus Isn’t Working

Aside: I want my Utopia, and I want it NOW!!!

POWIP: I want my Utopia, and I want it NOW!!!

Guess What A Democrat Will Introduce For Health Care?

Nice Deb: CA Rep Introducing New Legislation to add “Robust Public Option”

Aside: Biden Says They Will Control Health Insurance Companies

Weasel Zippers: Biden Assures Nervous Democrats In Congress: “We’re Going To Control The Insurance Companies”…

Aside: Nice Deb Has Gov’t Health Care In 90 Seconds

Nice Deb: 90 Seconds to Government Run Healthcare

Pirate's Cove