October 31, 2013 – 7:21 pm
They used to know what scary costumes were. Now it seems like the idea is to be as sleazy as possible More scary below the fold
October 16, 2013 – 6:51 pm
I love this song. Always gives me goosebumps during the section where the countdown gets to 10 and under. Happened to be flipping through my MP3 player and it came up. Those 1980’s clothes, though. Sheesh. And, you know what’s amazing? In 1981 we could launch a space shuttle. Now, Los Federales can’t even get […]
June 4, 2013 – 11:15 am
Epic (and I take no responsibility for what happens to your laptop/Smartphone/Tablet when you get to the end) This comes via The Blaze, which provides a transcript, and He then went on to say that the president’s “dishonesty, incompetence, vengefulness and lack of moral compass lead many to suggest that he is not fit to […]
December 15, 2012 – 6:49 pm
October 26, 2012 – 11:00 am
Via Teresamerica and Twitchy So cute – Gov says “I get to meet a superhero!” Little girl responds, “I get to meet my hero!” twitter.com/dgjackson/stat… — Mitt’s Body Man (@dgjackson) October 24, 2012
January 27, 2012 – 5:27 pm
Alternate title: Most awesome US sniper is f***ing awesome! (BBC) A young cowboy from Texas who joined the elite US Navy Seals became the most deadly sniper in American history. In a book published this month he provides an unusual insight into the psychology of a soldier who waits, watches and kills. That sniper is […]
March 22, 2011 – 2:42 pm
Busting a cap needn’t be a fashion mistake anymore, ladies Gun manufacturers have been responding to a soaring interest from women with female-friendly ‘purse pistols’ in an array of trend-led colours and designs. Despite the concerns of anti-gun campaigners, there has been an 83 per cent rise in the number of women buying firearms for […]
February 24, 2011 – 2:15 pm
February 6, 2011 – 12:00 pm