Category Archives: Barking Moonbats

The Nation Says There’s No Place For Bystanders In The Abortion Debate

There is no debate when it comes to abortion on demand. You cannot have a debate with the abortion supporters who screech, yell, bloviate, bellow, caterwaul, go Category 5 Apoplectic. Who accuse Republicans of wackadoodle things, have loony tunes things on their signs, wear silly handmaid costumes, etc and so on. You cannot rationally discuss […]

Performance Art: Dems To Vote On Bill Cracking Down On “Exploitative” Cost Hikes

Oh, I’m sure there are some who are overcharging. I know it’s happening at car dealerships, above what you could call a seller’s market. But, this is not the car manufacturers doing it, but, dealers. Are gas stations overcharging? If some are, that’s not on the gas companies, but, the individual station owners. Heck, the […]

Law Enforcement Readies For Violence Over Roe v. Wade Decision

Of course, law enforcement leaders do not want to focus on the political identities of those who could cause violence. Don’t want to expose that the violence will originate from the abortion supporters, nor did Politico consider highlighting that it will be leftists starting the violence, as has already happened in Los Angeles Law enforcement […]

Mayorkas Says Ministry Of Truth With Not Monitor U.S. Citizens

If that’s the case, why do we need this Disinformation Governance Board to start with? It could be done within the CIA, NSA, or the numerous alphabet soup agencies tasked with monitoring foreign communications. Why have a nutty, hyper-partisan leftist in charge, one who thought the Hunter Biden laptop story was fake? How long till […]

Moonbat Group Petitions FCC To Block Musk’s Twitter Purchase, Gets Shot Down

I guess the Federal Communications Commission could sorta maybe have something to do with a social media platform in terms of purchases, but, as usual, a Leftist group went bat guano insane FCC commissioner shoots down ‘absurd’ claim that the federal government can block Musk’s Twitter purchase Brendan Carr, a commissioner on the Federal Communications […]

Exxon Bans All Flags At Headquarters, LGBT And BLM Employees Freak Out

Perhaps politics should be left out of the workplace? And if you don’t like it you can leave Work is not your personal tumblr page. — Chad Felix Greene ???????? (@chadfelixg) April 22, 2022 From the article Exxon Mobil Corp. plans to prohibit the LGBTQ-rights flag from being flown outside its offices during Pride month in […]

Moonbat Wants Term “Master Tapes” Removed From Music Lexicon

See, the screed writer got a bee in her bonnet, so, Everyone must comply Why the Music Industry Must Remove the Racist Term ‘Master Recording’ From Its Vocabulary During the spring and summer of 2020, as protests across the country illuminated the systematic injustices Black Americans have faced and continue to face, the music industry […]

Ron DeSantis Expected To Soon Sign The Stop WOKE Act

I’m of a mixed mind on this: it’s one thing to get involved in what the government does regarding what government run schools teach, it’s another to get this involved in what private companies tell their employees. However, government has long become involved in the private sector, dictating policies. Perhaps it’s time to protect employees […]

Gun Grabbers Are Mostly Quiet In Wake Of Brooklyn Mass Shooting

So far, beyond some randos on Twitter and such, the gun grabbers have been avoiding their typical gun grabbing ways, as one would expect after any big shooting. No opinion pieces at the NY Times, Washington Post, or LA Times. All the networks are avoiding this. So, they’re either all calibrating their talking points or […]

California Trots Out Bill To Make Workweek 32 Hours

It’s also some sort of Idea with these people Proposed bill would shorten California workweek to 32 hours. Here’s what you need to know A proposed bill winding its way through the state Legislature could make California the first state in the nation to reduce its workweek to four days for a large swath of […]

Pirate's Cove