Category Archives: Barking Moonbats

Bummer: There’s A Huge Budget Difference Between Men’s And Women’s NCAA Tournaments

CNN’s Homer De la Fuente performs what Rush always called a “random act of journalism.” In the midst of attempting to slam this “sexist” inequity between the way the men’s NCAA tournament got a lot more money than the women’s, Homer exposes some blatant truths NCAA budget report shows it spent $13.5 million more for […]

New York City Votes To Remove Qualified Immunity From Police

What is qualified immunity? Qualified immunity is a judicially created doctrine that shields government officials from being held personally liable for constitutional violations—like the right to be free from excessive police force—for money damages under federal law so long as the officials did not violate “clearly established” law. Both 42 U.S.C. § 1983—a statute originally passed to assist the government […]

Wait, What: China Joe Admin Announces They Will Launch Cyber-Attacks On Russia

What’s the first thought that ran through your head when reading that headline? Biden administration to launch cyber attacks on Russia as feud with Putin escalates The Biden administration is preparing a series of aggressive cyber attacks on Russia in a major shift in tactics designed as a warning shot to rival powers. The attack, […]

Texas Lifts Mask Mandate, Allows Businesses To 100% Reopen

And the media and Democrats are losing their minds Texas becomes biggest US state to lift COVID-19 mask mandate Texas is lifting its mask mandate, Gov. Greg Abbott said Tuesday, making it the largest state to no longer require one of the most effective ways to slow the spread of the coronavirus. The announcement in […]

“What Am I Doing Here?”

This is literally painful to watch. Joe is just not there. The eye movements can be signs of dementia — holly wiley (@hollyjayewiley) February 27, 2021 “And don’t call me Shirley.” One of the most recognizable names in the Dem party, Sheila Jackson Lee. If Trump was doing this, the press would obliterate him. […]

House To Vote On The “Destroying Women’s Sports” And Limiting Religious Freedom Act

Well, not just sports. But, their safety and security in locker rooms, showers, and bathrooms, along with taking away scholarships and so much more. And blowing up the 1st Amendment on religious freedom. Because Democrats priorities do not include getting America back on it’s feet from the pandemic House To Vote On Equality Act: Here’s […]

Hot Take: Excitable Ro Khanna Wants No Small Businesses That Can’t Afford $15 Minimum Wage

It’s always something with these nutters. On the bright side, Ro actually worked in the private sector for many years. Of course, that was mostly as a lawyer for other people’s firms along with teaching, so, he really has no idea what it takes to actually run a small business (video at the link) Dem […]

Next Up For Democrats? A Long, Long 9/11 Commission Style Investigation Into The Mostly Peaceful Capitol Protest

It would be just another bit of theater for Democrats to express their Feelings about Trump, letting their Trump Derangement Syndrome out, but, it would not be cathartic for them like most group sessions. And, really, consider that 45% of Democrat voters felt that George Bush either let 9/11 happen or made it happen even […]

Trump Acquitted Again: What Comes Next?

As you know by now, Donald J Trump was acquitted yet again for shampeachment. The result was never in doubt. We all knew there was zero chance the Democrats would get enough Republicans to cross over to get the necessary 67 votes. Seven did cross over, and the Louisiana Republican party has already voted unanimously […]

Mississippi Senate Votes To Restrict Women’s Sports To Actual Women

We’re probably going to see a lot more stuff like this with China Joe in office, as he and his folks respond to the unhinged Woke pushing to allow the gender confused to destroy women’s sports Mississippi Senate votes to ban transgender athletes from women’s sports The Mississippi Senate voted Thursday to ban transgender athletes […]

Pirate's Cove