Category Archives: Barking Moonbats

VP Debate: It Was A Mansplaining Night Or Something

There’s a reason that Kamala Harris flamed out of the Demokkkratic Party primary in December 2019: she’s not good at this. She rolled her eyes, huff and puffed, and, as Liz Peek notes “She constantly smirked and frowned and shook her head in derision while listening to Pence; no wonder Democrat primary voters decreed her […]

NY Times, Other Media Go Bat Soup Virus Truthers

See, apparently, we all have a Right to know the truth from Trump’s doctors, so, they’re apparently calling the doctors lairs, not trusting the science. This is the NY Times editorial board The American People Need the Truth The American people deserve better than to be misled about the health of the president. Several days […]

Washington Post Goes Conspiracy Theory, Demands To Know Trump’s Condition

Well, it’s not as much a horrible take as many on the left and in the media are trying for (in fairness, some are good, some are ok), but, this smacks of attempting to say Team Trump is hiding his sickness from us The nation needs the truth on President Trump’s illness PRESIDENT TRUMP has […]

Surprise: Minneapolis City Council Regrets Making Pledge To Defund The Police

You know that the progressive nutters in Minneapolis will start freaking out over this REPORT: Minneapolis Plan To Defund The Police Collapses, City Council Members ‘Regret’ Making Pledge Minneapolis, Minnesota’s plan to defund and then disband their local police force has “collapsed” according to a New York Times report from over the weekend. Some of […]

Liberals Go Full Moonbat Over “Notorious ACB” Shirts

They’re already attacking Amy Coney Barrett over her religion, and figuring out other ways to attack her prior to the confirmation hearings. And (Breitbart) Left-wing groups, including MoveOn, Indivisible, NARAL Pro-Choice America, and the Sunrise Movement are launching protests at courthouses across the country to oppose the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg […]

Democrats Hot New Idea: Limit Supreme Court Justices To 18 Year Terms

Interestingly, this really isn’t that bad of an idea. There are lots and lots of people on the right and left who think there should be term limits on Supreme Court justices as well as federally appointed judges. I certainly agree with it. But, let’s face it, this is simply the Democrats response to Trump […]

Vox Unintentionally Proves That Democrats Are Killing Our Democratic Republic

This screed by Excitable Zach Beauchamp, one of the crazier folks at Vox, is an attempt to dunk on Republicans, but, hits Democrats right in the nads RBG, the 2020 election, and the rolling crisis of American democracy For much of this fall, Americans have fretted about a legitimacy crisis surrounding the 2020 election. But now, […]

CNN’s Excitable Don Lemon Wants To “Blow Up The Whole System”

For those of you who are old enough, remember when CNN was a good news station? Now it’s just grade A nutbar CNN’s Don Lemon suggests to ‘blow up the entire system’ CNN anchor Don Lemon suggested on Monday that radical change is necessary in order for the “majority” to have a bigger say in […]

RGB Citing Dying Wish Clause Trump’s Supreme Court Hypocrisy Or Something

One would expect Jessica A. Levinson, a professor at Loyola Law School, who “studies the law of the political process, including election law and governance issues. Her work focuses on ethics, political corruption, voting rights, campaign finance, ballot initiatives, redistricting, term limits, and state budgets” to have a grasp on how the Constitution works, right? […]

Trump Trolls Dems With Joke About Signing An EO To Ban Joe Biden

Remember the joke Ronald Reagan told about banning the Soviet Union, with bombing starting in 5 minutes, which caused Democrats to blow a gasket? This is just as fun. Inquisitr’s Kristine Lofgren is Not Amused Donald Trump Threatens To Sign Executive Order Disqualifying Joe Biden From Running For President Donald Trump spoke in Fayetteville, North Carolina, […]

Pirate's Cove