Category Archives: Barking Moonbats

Queen Pelosi Weighs In On Trump Conspiracy That Trump Will Delay 2020 Election

If you take a run through Twitter, the Democratic Underground, hard-left sites, you’ll see many Leftists yammering about Trump using Bat Soup Virus to delay the 2020 election. Some even say permanently. This would have happened even without BSV. We saw the same thing with Bush in 2004 and 2008, saying he wouldn’t leave. Now […]

Are You Wearing Sweatpants While Working At Home During Bat Soup Virus? The LA Times Is Not Happy With You

No matter what is going on, there will always be hot takes. People being Offended. I suspect if we had an alien invasion, nuclear war, a supervolcano going off, a zombie apocalypse, you’d still have SJWs being SWJs and naggy nags being nags Enough with the WFH sweatpants. Dress like the adult you're getting paid […]

People In Wake County Love Them Some Bat Soup Virus Snitching

This is going on all over, but, so far here in Wake County, law enforcement hasn’t rolled out fines Nearly 500 stay-at-home order complaints filed in Wake County Law enforcement agencies throughout Wake County have received hundreds of complaints since county commissioners implemented a stay-at-home order two weeks ago to curb the spread of the […]

Hot Take: Trump Admin Let Thousands Stream In Before Implementing Travel Ban Media Slammed Him Over

There’s some very interesting revisionism going on. When Trump put in place the travel ban from China he was slammed for it, because the media had been saying it wasn’t that bad There was a lot of the sort of stuff depicted below. — Brit Hume (@brithume) April 1, 2020 Plus, you know, Orange […]

Latest Fearmongering: DOJ Wants To Suspend All Sorts Of Constitutional Rights

The Coronavirus fearmongering has obviously been flying around for weeks. We keep getting all the “Trump’s shutting down the nation for (X) long!!!!!!!”. No one ever actually has a named source, but, they keep having to knock this down, like People with too much time on their hands were spreading unfounded rumors, looking for their […]

Comrades In People’s Republik Of California Keep Calling 911 To Report Other People’s Coughs

This is not the way to do this, folks California residents keep calling 911 on coughing neighbors during coronavirus pandemic California residents are calling the police on neighbors they hear coughing amid the coronavirus pandemic. Riverside County police officers have seen their 15th instance of people reporting coughing neighbors to authorities, according to the Desert Sun. The […]

Trump Calls Out NY Times For Missing Half A Quote

The NY Times still hasn’t updated the article to reflect the entire quote Trump calls the New York Times a ‘disgrace to journalism’ for misrepresentation of his coronavirus quote Media pundits criticized President Donald Trump based on an incomplete quote from a recording of the president’s conference call with state governors about the crisis from […]

After Years Of Calling Trump Authoritarian, Media Upset Trump’s Not Being Authoritarian On Coronavirus

Trump has been called all sorts of things. such as Nazi, Fascist, Putin’s buddy, till the Democrats and the Credentialed Media settled on “authoritarian”. They can’t actually show any proof of Trump doing things authoritarian, but, that doesn’t stop them. Now that he’s not telling people what to do with the force of government, they […]

Net Neutrality: LA Times Wants To Regulate Internet Like Any Other Utility

It’s been two years since the FCC killed of the latest version of Net Neutrality, which was never about neutrality, but giving the federal government massive new powers over the Internet, Internet companies, and what you see on the Internet. We were all supposed to die from the ending of NN, but, we’re still here, […]

Scottish Government Votes To Patronize Women By Giving Them Free Feminine Products

Obviously, the Scottish government thinks women are not capable of earning enough money to buy pads and tampons. Rather a sexist opinion, right? Scotland’s parliament just voted to make pads and tampons ‘free.’ CBS News reported ‘the US could be next.’ Scottish parliament voted almost unanimously on Wednesday to provide “free” feminine hygiene products to […]

Pirate's Cove