Category Archives: Barking Moonbats

Excitable California Passes Bill Requiring Trump To Release His Tax Returns To Be On Ballot

Sure, sure, this is for all who are running for president (wink wink). It has nothing personally to do with Donald Trump (wink wink) California Passes Measure Requiring Presidential Candidates To Release Tax Returns The California Legislature has overwhelmingly passed a measure requiring all presidential and gubernatorial candidates to release their tax returns to get […]

Mayor Pete Wants Democratic Presidential Contenders To Move Further Left

For the most part, what they really mean on the political science scale is moving further right, further into authoritarianism. To the left is less government. But, let’s not quibble, we know what they really mean Buttigieg Says Democrats Must Swing Further Left To Beat Trump In 2020 — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) July 6, […]

It’s Independence Day, So, Of Course The NY Times Tries To “Take Stock” Of America

Here's another from the WP going all the way back to 1776 — William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) July 3, 2019 At least in the Era Of Trump, news organizations must find ways to hate on America, so, the NY Times editorial board gives it a shot America the Beautiful Taking stock of the […]

Republicans Need To Change Their Product In People’s Republik Of California Or Something

See, the problem isn’t that Modern Socialists, people Dependent on Government, SJWs, and virtue signalers dominate the more urban areas of California, many of them having been taught this stuff in the Democratic Party run schools, leading to control of California by Democrats. No, see, it’s that Republicans aren’t taking Democrat positions, per George Skelton […]

AOC Forgets How Congress Works, Starts Petition To Repeal Hyde Amendment

Once again, if people want to have irresponsible, unprotected sex with people they do not want to have a child with at this time, then they can pay for their own abortions, especially when they yammer about “my body my choice.” If that’s the case, then it should be “your choice, your money” Ocasio-Cortez starts […]

Hot Take: Dodgeball Is A Tool Of Oppression For Dehumanization Or Something

Who are these researchers? Do they have PhD’s in Dodgeball? — deadvoter 6K (@deadvoter) June 8, 2019 The researchers are probably the people picked last in school and the ones always getting pelted with the balls (Washington Post) One of gym classes’ most common games is being used as a tool of “oppression,” according to […]

Unhinged Democrat Base Clamoring For Impeachment Or Something

This is where the old adage “be careful what you wish for; you might get it” comes into play. If they think this will play well outside of their safe blue districts, they have another thing coming, and that big thing will be Trump’s easy re-election Democrats face voters clamoring for impeachment House Democrats are […]

More Chicago Schools Freaking Over Circle Game Photos

I mentioned a different Chicago school the other day. It’s almost like the kids are, get this, playing a game, not virulent white supremacists ‘Circle game’ gestures found in Oak Park middle schools’ yearbook photos Oak Park District 97 officials are discussing their next steps after finding photos of students making the “circle game” hand […]

Another School To Reprint Yearbooks Without The OK “White Supremacist” Symbol

This article does mention the Circle Game and the 4Chan joke, but takes it a step further in moonbattery California middle school to reprint yearbook after photo shows students holding ‘white power’ sign PETALUMA, Calif. — A middle school in California is now working to reprint part of its yearbook after parents noticed students flashing […]

CNN Hot-Take: Trump Arrives In Japan For Flattery

World leaders travel the world, and get pomp and flattery. International diplomacy, right? Nothing unusual, right? Certainly, Obama received that type of treatment. But, hey, we’re in the age of Trump, so Trump arrives in Japan eager for flattery and pomp President Donald Trump arrived in Japan on Saturday eager for a visit salted with […]

Pirate's Cove