Category Archives: Barking Moonbats

Bummer: Democrat Leaders Feel Squeeze From Both Sides Of Lunatic Party

If Democrats are going to act like lunatic moonbats, are going to patronize the lunatic moonbats, then lunatic moonbats get elected, and they go lunatic in office, well, this happens Dem leaders feel squeeze on Trump strategy House Democratic leaders scrambling to manage their oversight of the Trump administration are increasingly being squeezed by both […]

Surprise: Democrats Having A Tough Time Getting Trump To Comply With Their TDS Infused Probes

What in the world made Democrats think that Team Trump and The Donald were going to cooperate with probes based on being unhinged from losing the 2016 election? Dems struggle to make Trump bend on probes House Democrats are struggling to find a way to make the Trump administration pay for refusing to cooperate with […]

AG Barr Declines To Testify To House Committee After Yet Another Rule Change

Attorney General Barr was going to answer questions to the House today, but, of course, Democrats were Democrats and went and changed the rules at the last minute Barr Won’t Attend House Hearing, Following Fierce Session In Senate Attorney General William P. Barr defended himself on Wednesday against withering criticism of his handling of the […]

NY Times Seems Pretty Upset That White People Are Buying Homes In Black Neighborhoods

Can you imagine them complaining about black people buying homes in white neighborhoods? Further, it is funny that they and their progressive SJW allies think that blacks cause deflated home prices The Neighborhood Is Mostly Black. The Home Buyers Are Mostly White. In the African-American neighborhoods near downtown Raleigh, the playfully painted doors signal what’s […]

Here We Go Again: Winston-Salem Wants To Change Name Of Its Big Yearly Fair

The city of Winston-Salem, NC, has apparently become all sorts of Woke, despite almost no one having an issue with a certain name After 130-plus years, NC fair will change a name some call a reminder of slavery After more than 130 years, a popular fair in North Carolina will change its name to avoid […]

Liz Warren Releases Crazy Idea To Abolish Student Loan Debt

Hey, why stop here? We could do away with similar debt for home loans, car loans, medical bills, credit card debt, and business loans, among others, right? Why not? If we’re going to use treasury money, ie, Other People’s money to take care of people who legally signed up to assume a legal debt, we […]

Hot Take: Should A White Man Be The Face Of The Democratic Party?

The obvious result of Identity Politics. Now, imagine how a headline asking if a black man or bisexual biracial woman should be the face of the Democratic Party would go down with the SJWs Should a White Man Be the Face of the Democratic Party in 2020? As Peter Johnson and Emily Neal waited for […]

Goal Posts: It’s Not The Collusion, It’s The Corruption Or Something

Hot takes abound post-Mueller report release. Democrats are not taking it well at all. If they were smart, they’d just move on. The only people who are believing that Something Bad Happened are the hardcore Democratic Party base. Much like with Fitzmas, Muellermas was a big dud. That hasn’t stopped Democrats, and their pet media, […]

Democrats Who Can’t Get Over Losing 2016 Formally Demand Trump’s Tax Returns, Part Two

The late Robin Williams had a joke about British bobbies having no weapons other than a nightstick, in which he would mimic them saying “Stop! Or I’ll tell say stop again.” Having failed to obtain all of Trump’s tax returns, personal and business, with all sorts of explanations, by April 10th, Democrats are yelling “stop […]

Trump Doubles Down On Dropping Illegals Off In Sanctuary Jurisdictions

Whether it was originally a serious proposal, a joke, or just throwing ideas against the wall, it matters nary because Democrat Open Borders advocates are twisting their own panties into massive knots in High Dudgeon. So, of course, Trump will further tweak their noses, because this is a hill Dems apparently want to die on […]

Pirate's Cove