Category Archives: Barking Moonbats

Search Engines Are Making Us More Raaaaacist Or Something

These people. Sigh How search engines are making us more racist Are search engines making us more racist? According to Safiya Umoja Noble, a professor of communication at the University of Southern California, the answer is almost certainly yes. Noble’s new book, Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism, challenges the idea that search […]

Bake That Cake: Sacramento Homeowner Refuses To Sell To Trump Supporters

See, if a baker refuses to bake a cake or a florist refuses to do flowers for a gay wedding because of their deeply held beliefs, well, they must be fined by the State and have their businesses and lives ruined. But, when a liberal does something similar… Sacramento Home For Sale But Not To […]

California AG To Sue Trump Admin Over Citizenship Question Or Something

The same People’s Republik Of California Attorney General who does all he can to protect illegal aliens who have committed serious crimes, while also attempting to take away people’s 2nd Amendment Rights, is Very Upset that the question of citizenship will be asked (Fox News) California on Monday promised to sue the Trump administration over […]

We’re Saved: Taylor Swift Totally Backs March For Our Lives, Promises To Give Up Her Own Security

OK, I was kidding about that latter part. And Taylor ha lots of security, and the chances are that they are armed (Daily Caller) Taylor Swift showed her support for the “March For Our Lives” gun control protest Saturday with a financial donation and praise for the Parkland students. “No one should have to go […]

America’s Gun Laws Cause Illegal Immigration Or Something

Hey, look, we can get gun grabbing and illegal immigration in one article, via the always nutty New Yorker The Link Between America’s Lax Gun Laws and the Violence That Fuels Immigration In the summer of 2009, a sixty-three-year-old professional bass fisherman from Florida named Hugh Crumpler III was arrested for international arms trafficking. For years, […]

NY Times: Say, We Need To Do Away With This Whole Equal Protection Under The Law Thing

Here’s a super hot take from Laurie Rollitt A Billionaire and a Nurse Shouldn’t Pay the Same Fine for Speeding If Mark Zuckerberg and a janitor who works at Facebook’s headquarters each received a speeding ticket while driving home from work, they’d each owe the government the same amount of money. Mr. Zuckerberg wouldn’t bat […]

Illegal Alien “Activist” Claims Deportation Action Is Political

Could it be political? (King5) An immigration judge Thursday gave the government until early next month to respond to the allegations of an immigrant-rights advocate who says she’s been targeted for deportation because of her political activism. Dozens of supporters greeted Maru Mora-Villalpando, 47, as she arrived outside a downtown Seattle building for her first […]

NY Times: Cities And States Shouldn’t Be Passing Gun Laws

Over at the NY Times, Peter L. Markowitz takes a stab at defending sanctuary jurisdiction policies, and ends up pointing out something else Trump Can’t Stop the Sanctuary Movement (discussion of DOJ lawsuit against California sanctuary policies) To understand why, one needs to understand exactly what sanctuary laws do. They draw their name from the […]

Idiot Democrat Congressional Candidate Pulls Stunt With AR-15, Now In ATF Crosshairs

The average cost of an AR-15 is around $1200. Leave it to a Democrat to destroy one for a stunt and not realize she’s breaking the law (13NewsNow) The Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is investigating congressional candidate Karen Mallard after she posted a video on Facebook that shows her cutting […]

The Leftist Entertainment Industry Needs To Stop Glorifying Violence And Misogyny

A good Sunday morning to you! There are two articles of interest to me this morning, and are rather intersectional. The first comes from the Chicago Tribune ‘I’m a gun owner, but I am for gun control’: Protesters gather outside gun show at Lake County Fairgrounds Twelve-year-old Ruth Turpin of Hammond struggled through tears Saturday […]

Pirate's Cove