Category Archives: Barking Moonbats

Green Bay Packers’ Fans Let The Team Know What They Thought Of The Protest

The Green Bay Packers had a little plan to get all the fans to link arms during the national anthem, in an attempt to push social justice warrioring. And it was about SJW stuff The Green Bay Packers players are asking fans tonight to join them in a “display of unity” by linking arms during […]

Suddenly, Democrats Are Very Into Expressing Love For Country

The always Excitable Don Lemon encapsulates the (fake) feelings of leftists (Mediaite) Don Lemon led CNN Tonight with a monologue about how President Trump can’t force Americans to embrace a homogenous view of patriotism and First Amendment rights. As Trump continues to spar with athletes who kneel during the National Anthem, Lemon noted that the […]

NY Times Uses Earthquakes To Bash Trump

Envision in your mind, the members of the NY Times editorial board get together, glasses of fancy wine in hand, caviar on the table, linen napkins gleaming white, and the question at hand is how to bash President Trump over the latest Mexico and Japanese earthquakes. Unpaid interns are called in to work the search […]

Surprise: Washington Post Blamestorms Trump Admin Over St. Louis Shooting Case

The Washington Post Editorial Board has decided to have a snit fit over the case of St Louis officer Jason Stockley shooting and killing Anthony Lamar Smith. The headline read St. Louis is what happens when the Justice Department won’t do its job. The editorial spends 3 paragraphs giving the briefest of overviews of the […]

Good News: ABC Developing “Comedy” About Illegal Aliens

As if we don’t get enough social justice warrioring from the entertainment industry, now they’re going to give it a shot with illegal aliens (Deadline) With the topic of immigration firmly in the headlines, most recently over President Donald Trump’s decision yesterday to end the DACA program, it has become a very popular subject for TV series […]

St Louis Police Troll Those They’re Arresting: “Whose Streets? Our Streets”

Nothing says protesting like destroying your own neighborhoods, AmIRight? St. Louis officers chant ‘whose streets, our streets’ while arresting protesters After a third night of violence and unrest in St. Louis, about 100 protesters marched in silence along downtown streets Monday during the morning rush hour. Once they reached City Hall, the silence gave way […]

Dallas School System Considers Changing Schools Named After Jefferson, Franklin, Houston

This is exactly the type of thing that we were warning about: that Lefty Snowflakes who are Offended by everything won’t stop with just Confederate statues and such: they’d move on to considering everything else that Offends them (but shouldn’t) (Dallas Morning News) Dallas ISD is researching the histories of Ben Franklin, Sam Houston, Thomas […]

Who Better To Talk About Divisions Than VP Who Served Under An Extremely Divisive President?

The NY Times, with their perpetual #Resist foundation (which would have been around no matter which Republican won, of course), has given a platform to Joe Biden, who served as Vice President to Barack Obama, a president who worked hard to be as divisive as possible during his two terms, and the o-ed is a […]

Democrats Pushing Medicare For All Plan

If California couldn’t figure out how to pay for it, heck, if little Vermont couldn’t figure out how to pay for it, how will Los Federales pay for it? (Reason)  Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) plans to unveil his long-awaited “Medicare for all” proposal for government-controlled, single-payer health care. His colleague, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), is all-in on the […]

Hot Take: Irma’s Locked And Loaded Towards Trump Properties

Remember, though, that the media is totally non-partisan and utterly un-biased, so the news media tells us. And that’s how we end up with this bit of unhinged #resist from NBC News and writer Ben Popken (via Twitchy) Irma Locked and Loaded Towards Several Trump Properties Ire and fury are expected to rain down on […]

Pirate's Cove