July 24, 2017 – 6:58 am
Over the previous eight years, Democrats controlled the House for Mr. Obama’s first two years, and squandered that control with nutty big government citizen controlling legislation. They held the Senate till the 2014 elections. They held the White House for those eight years, obviously. Their policies are what led to the election of Donald Trump. […]
July 18, 2017 – 7:05 am
This is cute. As John Schick writes, “Our national interests are not determined by foreign nations” (via Twitchy) There is no country among the 37 surveyed in which a majority endorses a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico https://t.co/7CrvVG2fSY pic.twitter.com/BKWVdHTHD3 — Pew Research Center (@pewresearch) July 17, 2017 From the Pew article Trump’s proposal […]
July 15, 2017 – 4:15 pm
Full throated barking moonbat syndrome Couldn’t We Just Trade Presidents? Why can’t Emmanuel Macron be our president? American citizens watching Donald Trump’s visit to Paris must have wondered how we got the wrong guy. Macron seemed so smart, so charming. The fact that he didn’t father any children would not normally be a big selling […]
July 14, 2017 – 10:51 am
No sort of narcissism involved here at all Gov. Jerry Brown says the existence of humanity rests on his climate change deal Gov. Jerry Brown on Thursday cast his new plan to fight climate change as essential to the fate of American democracy — and humanity itself. “America is facing not just a climate crisis […]
July 13, 2017 – 10:47 am
Welcome to the hyper-liberal world of Seattle. They’ve managed to create a big problem with homelessness, and one solution is racist (Daily Caller) A Seattle, Wash., councilman implied that a new effort to clean excrement off the side walk outside the local courthouse could be racist Tuesday. The crime and smell of urine and excrement […]
July 7, 2017 – 7:00 am
Mr. Trump apparently said something pretty darned controversial while speaking in Poland Thursday. He talked about “our values” and “Western values”. This has led many on the left to have conniption fits, including the Editorial Board of the Washington Post Trump wants us to defend ‘our values.’ Which ones? “DO WE have the confidence in […]
July 3, 2017 – 7:26 am
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has a piece in the NY Times today, in which you would have though that someone at the New York City based paper would have said “hey, wait a minute, he’s slurring us as New Yorkers!” as Rahm punches NYC and Governor Cuomo in the face (figuratively) In Chicago, the Trains […]
June 27, 2017 – 3:45 pm
These are the same types of people who think that everything that happens is caused by/linked to anthropogenic climate change New island magically appears off the coast of North Carolina almost overnight https://t.co/1ShJ4x8tG0 pic.twitter.com/A4NTQYIoeQ — CNN International (@cnni) June 27, 2017 “Magically”. From the article, which wisely doesn’t mention magic North Carolina’s Cape Hatteras National […]
June 27, 2017 – 8:01 am
Possibly the dumbest, and most partisan (other than the normal wackadoodle Russia garbage), thing you’ll read all day, but, then, it’s still early, and CNN has plenty of time (via Twitchy) ‘Trumpcare’ would send her to Mexico for birth control All Ariana and Kevin Gonzalez want is birth control. As far as health care […]
June 26, 2017 – 6:58 am
Several days ago, California did this (CNN) California has issued a ban on state-funded and state-sponsored travel to four more states that it says have laws discriminating against LGBTQ people. The travel ban was first put into effect January 1 when state measure AB 1887 became law. The law says California is “a leader in […]