February 6, 2017 – 10:58 am
I told you the other day about Sweden looking to pass a new climate law, because they apparently have no other issues, having (not) solved the problem of being overrun with Islamic extremists who create no-go zones, demand they be allowed to use their own laws, treat women terrible, including rape and sexual assault, etc […]
February 6, 2017 – 7:10 am
The NY Times gleefully publishes an article proposing that the travel ban is bad for all these tech companies. A few things are forgotten, with the primary being “why is it bad for companies?” Writer Carlos Tejada also forgot to ask these companies how many refugees have been hired by the companies. The answer is […]
February 2, 2017 – 2:42 pm
Wait, I thought Sweden was a hotbed of uber-Progressive leftists who would have been thrilled to voluntarily implement carbon neutral measures within their own lives? No? Sweden set to bring in climate law by 2018 Sweden is set to have a climate law in effect by 1 January 2018 under plans announced by the prime […]
February 1, 2017 – 8:24 am
Barack Obama long ruled with his pen and phone, though, really, he rarely picked up the phone to talk to anyone in the duly elected Legislative Branch, even the people in his own party. It was a long streak of executive orders, rule making, and regulations. He rarely attempted to work with Congress. Did the […]
January 23, 2017 – 6:51 am
The Smartest People In The Room just can’t move on to bargaining, much less acceptance. Anger will be the norm for at least the next four years (Watauga Democrat) Graffiti — including profane statements about President Donald Trump and the words “Black Lives Matter†— was tagged on multiple buildings and a police vehicle in […]
January 22, 2017 – 8:12 am
As you surely know by now, dozens of hardcore leftist organizations participated in a march on Washington to push for all sorts of leftist ideas, like abortion, ‘climate change’, vaginas, pussy’s, flipping people off while grabbing their vaginas, wearing pussy hats telling us they’re empowered (hey, that’s what most of the photos I saw seemed […]
January 20, 2017 – 7:03 am
The day has finally arrived when Donald Trump, the most unlikely of candidates, will be inaugurated as America’s 45th President. Rather than attempting to show some hope, maybe offer some ideas for Mr. Trump, the national news media continues it’s meltdown. Here’s the NY Times Editorial Board, part of the paper that published an unsubstantiated […]
January 19, 2017 – 3:10 pm
Good news, women! The Cult Of Climastrology is trying to appropriate the march on Washington, much like it attempts to do with everything Why we march against Trump: violence against women and the Earth is linked The incoming president of the United States will assume office as a tide of hundreds of thousands of women […]
January 10, 2017 – 7:53 am
Richard Cohen is one of the Washington Post’s deep bench of uber-liberals. He’s managed to annoy everyone, even causing Salon to write “the inexplicably still-employed centrist hack that the neoconservative editorial board of the Washington Post masquerades as a liberal” (which says more about how far left Salon is), while Media Matters has had numerous […]
January 8, 2017 – 8:09 am
The NY Times Editorial Board, which has so far refused to divulge its own policy for the use of bathrooms, showers, and changing rooms, along with hiring and HR policies, for the gender confused, is a bit upset Texas’ Transgender Bill Idiocy Given North Carolina’s self-defeating legislative efforts to restrict where transgender people can use […]