January 4, 2017 – 8:18 am
It’s not even fun wackadoodle, like the Obama Birther movement. But, then, Democrats a crazy enough to yell at horses https://twitter.com/WilliamTeach/status/797854636816338945 BTW, she was arrested for punching said horse. Anyhow Blue-state lawmakers want to keep Trump off 2020 ballot unless he releases tax returns Lawmakers in several deep-blue states want to require presidential candidates to release their […]
December 26, 2016 – 10:31 am
That’s right, the Washington Post Editorial Board used the occassion of Christmas to push immigration from war torn nations replete with radical Islam Some lessons from Jesus, for all of us FOR SOME years now, around Christmastime, there has been a pseudo-controversy going on — promoted if not wholly created by various talky people on […]
December 22, 2016 – 7:03 am
Previously, it was Politico trotting out the meme that Trump tweeting is a threat to national security, now we the far left New Republic’s Jeet Heer giving it a whirl, with something new The Washington Post has created a nifty tool designed to address one of the novel problems of our political era: a president-elect […]
December 21, 2016 – 12:15 pm
It just goes to show, no matter the issue, the Cult of Climastrology will find a way to insert their dogma into the mix, including the Sore Loser Symphony The electoral college is thwarting our ability to battle global warming Who (you might ask) is David Brearley? Brearley plays a critical, and entirely accidental, role […]
December 17, 2016 – 7:15 am
Can opinion pieces be that “fake news” that Liberals are all losing their minds over? A goodly chunk seems to be based on things that might possibly maybe happen and if they do WE ARE ALL DOOMED!!!!!!! The NY Times features a slightly higher level of moonbattery/Trump Derangement Syndrome this morning, making it actually hard […]
December 16, 2016 – 7:11 am
For the past month, as you’ve certainly seen, it’s been all the rage within the Democrat community to try and get enough members of the Electoral College to become faithless, which would, at a minimum, send the election to the House of Representatives which would then vote to pick someone. Which would be Trump, really, […]
December 15, 2016 – 7:54 am
The Times and Washington Post have both published numerous articles, opinion pieces masquerading as articles, and opinion pieces since the election brought us President Elect Donald Trump looking to see what could be done to overturn the election, because they, like their Leftist comrades, cannot accept those results. If the shoe was reversed, had Hillary […]
December 13, 2016 – 8:04 am
I guess they would have preferred someone who would use their family “charity” to make oodles of money via pay for play decisions while in office, push to bomb a country then leave it in tatters for Islamists to take over, lie about the reason 4 Americans were murdered by Islamists, have cozy relationships with […]
December 11, 2016 – 7:35 am
As usual, there are lots of fun opinion pieces at the highly leftist NY Times. The Editorial Board is whining about Trump using social media to reach directly to We The People. Frank Bruni is losing it over Trump taking a hard look at people to serve in his administration. Liberals in the comments are […]
December 6, 2016 – 6:41 am
Another day, another hissy fit from a Leftist at the Washington Post Democrats can stop Trump via the electoral college. But not how you think. Hillary Clinton should free her electors to throw their support behind another Republican. …. The only way Democrats stand any chance of persuading Republican electors to abandon Trump is with […]