Category Archives: Barking Moonbats

Suddenly, Liberals Are Very Concerned Over Personal Records

The liberal media is Very Concerned about Melania Trump’s immigration records, because there are gaps that are raising questions Gaps in Melania Trump’s immigration story raise questions A racy photo shoot is prompting fresh scrutiny of the would-be first lady’s early visits to the United States. See? Oh, and Politico throws in a bit of […]

Say, Can Climate Action Woo Suburban Voters?

Once again, climate change tends to come in last or next to last on lists of things that concern Americans. Somehow, Democrats think that pushing climate change will woo suburban voters (Grist) Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts, one of the leading climate hawks in Congress, thinks climate change can be a potent political issue this […]

Nutty Sex Survey Includes 33 Different Genders

Through evolution, humanity has evolved to have two genders. Sure, there are a few cases where something went wrong with genes, but, you either have XX or XY. Not in Liberal Nutjob World IT SEEMS like a simple question: “Which of the following terms do you feel best describes your gender?” But there are 33 […]

Chris Matthews, Liberals Upset Over Mother Of SEAL Killed In Benghazi Speaking At RNC

She apparently “ruined” Monday night for the GOP (The Hill) Patricia Smith — the mother of Sean Smith, who was killed in a terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, in 2012 — delivered a raw, emotional and unapologetic speech at the Republican National Convention that centered on one person: Hillary Clinton. “For all of this loss, […]

Post-Dallas, We Need To Ban Evil Assault Rifles

Yeah, about the meme… As the nation begins to wrap its head around what happened in Dallas, Texas last night during a protest against police shootings, certain factions are already shifting blame from the suspect in the case to the firearms used. (Snip) However, the rifle used by the suspect in the Dallas murders wasn’t […]

NY Times: Due To Brexit, America Should Break With Britain Again

Like most liberals, the NY Times Editorial Board seems rather upset regarding a day that celebrates Freedom. So, why not combine it with their hatred of Brexit? Freedom, Fireworks and Brexit This year, the commemoration of the break with the British Empire on the Fourth of July is particularly rich in material for mulling the […]

Trump Is Attacking Freedom Of Religion Or Something

The Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson is in a Special Snowflake kind of snit-fit: he thinks Trump is an attack on freedom of religion, as the headline reads for the stringer version of his Washington Post article. At the WP we get Trump’s special version of Jim Crow — for Muslims Donald Trump apparently wants to […]

CBS Shocked, Shocked!!!!! That It Only Took 38 Minutes To Purchase An “Assault Weapon”

It seems to be a big thing now for Leftist media fools to go into gun stores and purchase an “assault rifle” to prove how easy it is. It’s as easy as going into a Starbucks and ordering a cup of coffee, you guys! (CBS News) In Virginia, where the Virginia Tech shootings killed 32 […]

Good News: Finding Dory To Have A Gender Confused Character!

Were you looking to take your kids to see Finding Dory, the sequel to Finding Nemo, which opens this Friday? Have fun explaining a few things to your kids, as Disney pushes far left insanity (UK Independent) Finding Dory will feature Disney’s first transgender character, according to lead voice actor Ellen DeGeneres. The openly gay […]

Surprise: Donald Trump Stacks Up Well To Fictional Literature Dictators. Or Something

No, I’m still not a Trump supporter, and would not vote for him (or any other presidential candidate) if the vote was today. Yet, all these “Trump’s a dictator in waiting” articles from the Credentialed Media are a hoot. And this one raises the Barking Moonbat scale up to about a 9, as Carlos Lozado […]

Pirate's Cove