Category Archives: Barking Moonbats

NY Times Thinks There Needs To Be A New Grand Old Party

I love when non-Republicans advise the GOP on how to act. In this case, it is resident “radical Centrist” Thomas L. Freidman, who, despite being a self avowed “radical centrist”, tends to take the side of the extreme Left more often. Regardless, he does actually make a few good points Dump the G.O.P. for a […]

Global Autarky Is Totally Dangerous Or Something

The age of autarky is upon us, folks. And, per the Washington Post’s Catherine Rampell, it’s totally dangerous! The dangerous new age of global autarky The age of autarky is again upon us. Britain, in two weeks, will vote on whether to leave the European Union, that great postwar project to promote both peace and […]

Washington Post Has A Solution To The Bathroom Wars (Which Will Be Unacceptable To TGs)

Out of the mouths of babes, in this case, D.C. high school student Elishe Wittes, comes a Solution One bathroom for all: Install gender-free, single-user restrooms I am a young trans man, and I think I can make common cause with social conservatives on bathrooms. To be sure, first there’s going to be litigation. There’s […]

Dems Are Opening Lemonade Stand To Fight For Wage Equality Or Something

They’re so cute at this age DNC women will open a lemonade stand across the street from RNC, where women pay 79 cents and men pay $1 #EqualPayDay — Anita Kumar (@anitakumar01) April 11, 2016 Of course There’s much more fun at Twitchy, including this gem Oh, and will the DNC be paying […]

Will Bruce Springsteen Pledge To Only Play Venues That All Gender Confused To Use Their Preferred Bathrooms?

Bruce Springsteen decides to belatedly join the “pro-gender confused in whatever bathroom/shower/locker room they choose that day” crowd (WTVD) Bruce Springsteen canceled Sunday’s concert in Greensboro, citing HB2 and the rights of LGBT citizens. Springsteen wrote in a statement to fans that the Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act is “an attempt by people who […]

A Few Triangle Businesses Take Super Brave Stance Against NC’s Gender Confused Bathroom Law

Why, yes, liberals are still having hissy fits over the gender confused bathroom law (Raleigh News And Observer) There’s no more men’s room at Durham’s Old Havana Sandwich Shop. No women’s room, either. That’s because owners Roberto Copa Matos and Elizabeth Turnbull decided last week to change their restaurant’s single-stall bathrooms into unisex restrooms. The […]

Excitable Paul Krugman Thinks Obama’s “Successes” Are April Fools Day Jokes

David Brooks is off today at the NY Times, so, Paul Krugman steps in with a howler, because Obama is totally a success, so much so that people don’t really know it. Because there is a media that votes 90% Democrat to let us know, and we can totally learn from Obama Learning From Obama […]

Juan Williams: Donald Trump Is Playing The Race Card Or Something

Opinion pieces by uber-Liberal Williams are always amusing in their delusion. This one sure seems to be about projections Juan Williams: Trump plays the race card After last week’s primary romp in Florida it is all but official – the GOP is the party of Donald Trump. And having Trump as the party’s leader means […]

Say, Is There Anything Scarier Than Donald Trump With His Finger On Nuclear Trigger?

Once again, I’ll explain that my support Donald Trump is exceedingly low. If he ends up being the GOP candidate I will hold my nose wear a gas mask and vote for him, because it is better to have someone who at least says he’s a Republican, and work to keep the Senate and House. […]

Cheney: “Trump Sounds Like A Liberal Democrat”

Via Twitchy, we see two story threats. First we have .@realDonaldTrump: Saddam Hussein killed terrorists; "Now Iraq is Harvard for terrorism" — CNN (@CNN) February 15, 2016 Not so much. As Jonah Goldberg noted in responding to many, well, let’s charitably call them idiots, Saddam was a big supporter of Middle East terrorism. […]

Pirate's Cove