Category Archives: Barking Moonbats

Special Snowflake Syndrome Strikes Duke University

All the Special Snowflakes say “we’re unique, we’re all different, you can’t put us all in the same box” followed by “let’s do what they’re doing!” (WRAL )  For the second day in a row, Triangle college students are demanding change on their campus. Students gathered Friday afternoon in Page Auditorium at Duke University to […]

Peak Special Snowflake Syndrome Strikes UNC Chapel-Hill

It’s not that UNC, as it’s known, isn’t a hotbed of Special Snowflake Syndrome; it has long been a hive of lunacy leftism. This is more like turning the amplifier up to 11 (WRAL)  The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill held a town hall meeting Thursday night to provide the campus community an […]

Virginia Feminists So Strong And Empowered They Need Feds To Investigate People Being Mean

The modern leftist feminist movement in a nutshell (College Fix) The anonymous social-media app Yik Yak may be facing its biggest threat yet, owing to boorish posts against feminists at the University of Mary Washington (UMW). The Virginia university is under fire as well for not seeking to identify the posters of crude but nonthreatening […]

Whiny Losers Want NFL To Move 2017 Super Bowl From Houston

Progressives say they love Direct Democracy. Right up to the point that they lose the vote. Sadly, all those who said they would move to Canada if Bush won in 2004 didn’t. When they lost the gay marriage fight in California, North Carolina, and so many other states they sued. And in Houston… (Breitbart) Losers […]

PETA Sues To Give Monkey Copyright To Selfies

I wish this was The Onion or some satire site. Alas, no (AP) A macaque monkey who took now-famous selfie photographs should be declared the copyright owner of the photos, rather than the nature photographer who positioned the camera, animal-rights activists contend in a novel lawsuit filed Tuesday. The suit was filed in federal court […]

Say, “Is Right Wing Extremism the Biggest Danger Facing America?”

In Liberal World, having a different political viewpoint is Dangerous. Unless you’re an Islamist. Liberals are more than willing to ignore, even defend, Islamists, both the violent ones and the ones who use the laws of Western society against us. But, if you’re a Conservative, if you believe in the sanctity of life, if you […]

Amy Schumer Joins Chuck Schumer In Pushing Gun Control, Protecting White People

Liberal gun grabbers never stop, and, all of a sudden, Amy Schumer is Concerned (GMA) Comedian Amy Schumer is joining forces with her cousin, Sen. Chuck Schumer, to push for new gun control legislation on Capitol Hill. The “Trainwreck” star appeared with the New York senator this morning at a news conference with a sign […]

Poor Little Snowflake Learns She Doesn’t Set JC Penney’s Dress Code

This is an interesting story that is trending, with lots and lots of articles out there, mostly saying how utterly horrible JCP is for sending this poor (feminist) girl home to change (HuffPost) A former JCPenney employee has taken to Twitter to illustrate just how hypocritical dress codes for women can be. “Boss sent me […]

Unruly #BlackLivesMatter Crowd Gets A Taste Of Pepper Spray

This is like totally super horrible because a white cop (isn’t 5hat inappropriate profiling?) Pepper sprayed Blacks (UK Guardian) A transit police officer has pepper-sprayed a crowd in Cleveland protesting the arrest of a 14-year-old at a Black Lives Matter conference inspired by police brutality. The incident occurred near Cleveland State University in the city’s […]

NY Times: Transgender Bathroom Debate Totally Like Civil Rights Era!

Alternate headline: Paper Of Record Very Concerned Over Girls Pretending To Be Boys Forbidden From Using Boys Bathrooms. These are the types of things that keep Lefties up at night, rather than concerns over terrorism, Iran getting a nuclear weapon and a sweetheart deal, joblessness, and so on For Transgender Americans, Legal Battles Over Restrooms […]

Pirate's Cove