July 21, 2015 – 10:03 am
So now gay behavior is offending gays. Or, really, might possibly Offend. Silliness to the max (Metro) Free Pride Glasgow, which takes place next month and advertises itself as an ‘anti-commercialist’ alternative to the city’s main Pride event, decided that drag queens – closely associated with Pride celebrations for most of their history – would not be welcome […]
July 14, 2015 – 5:57 pm
When will the US Trademark office take away the Saints’ trademark registrations? (via Weasel Zippers) (Daily Caller) The fleur de lis, a French symbol used by royal families dating back to the 13th century, and emblazoned on the New Orleans Saints helmet, is now being called a symbol of slavery, drawing comparisons to the recent […]
July 12, 2015 – 8:23 am
Nothing like some good race baiting for the sake of race baiting Why Are Our Parks So White? …… The national parks attracted a record 292.8 million visitors in 2014, but a vast majority were white and aging. The most recent survey commissioned by the park service on visitation, released in 2011, found that 22 percent of […]
July 11, 2015 – 7:17 am
….well, you know (Rolling Stone) Even as South Carolina and major retailers officially disconnect themselves from the Confederate flag, the controversial symbol continues to have a prominent presence at Kid Rock‘s concerts. On Monday, the National Action Network’s Michigan chapter protested outside the Detroit Historical Museum, which houses a Kid Rock exhibit, demanding that the rocker stop displaying the […]
July 10, 2015 – 8:25 am
By “law”, they mean the Supreme Court’s ruling on gay marriage, because they don’t seem too upset by some people ignoring other federal law and court orders. Remember when dissent was patriotic? Illegal Defiance on Same-Sex Marriage The Supreme Court could not have been clearer when it ruled late last month that states may not […]
July 8, 2015 – 7:11 am
This is what passes for “thought” in Liberal World (Daily Caller) A political scientist and former professor has penned an article calling for the U.S. Constitution to be censored in order to conceal older parts that are offensive. “South Carolina’s battle flag may soon come down from the capitol flagpole, but other symbols of the […]
July 6, 2015 – 7:50 am
When we’re talking about public education, Democrats are in the majority. 67% voted for Obama in 2008, compared to just 30% for John McCain. 93% of National Educational Association donations went to Democrats. This is an organization that votes overwhelmingly for Democrats and donates to Democrats. Think on that “Modern racism lurks in the shadows […]
July 3, 2015 – 6:45 am
Issues that are of Serious Concern. And by people being concerned, I mean those in the media and typical Social Justice Warriors, because most in the comments couldn’t care less about offending criminals (WBALTV) The Baltimore City Police Department has launched an internal investigation after a WBAL-TV 11 News viewer shared four photographs of a […]
July 1, 2015 – 7:40 am
Same sex marriage social justice warriors have forced the gay lifestyle out into the mainstream, where citizens are constantly and consistently bombarded with gay marriage stories, opinion pieces, and advocacy. Now one, Brian Moylan, wants everyone to butt out. Well, after totally discussing his gay life Please Don’t Make Me Get Gay Married We didn’t […]
June 12, 2015 – 6:53 am
I think it is high time we have a National Conversation!!!!! on people living as someone they’re not (Spokesman-Review) Controversy is swirling around one of the Inland Northwest’s most prominent civil rights activists, with family members of Rachel Dolezal saying the local leader of the NAACP has been falsely portraying herself as black for years. Dolezal, […]