March 12, 2015 – 8:38 am
Personally, I just called it “being polite” and treating a lady like a lady Why chivalry may not always be what it seems: Men who hold doors open and smile may actually be sexist, study claims If you’re the sort of gentleman who holds the door open for a lady – or the sort of […]
February 22, 2015 – 8:22 am
Do you think you’re a pretty inclusive kind of person? That you aren’t a racist? Well, sorry, if you’re White, you are a major racist, because of your unconscious mind. Of course, this apparently only applies to White Men Straight Talk for White Men SUPERMARKET shoppers are more likely to buy French wine when French […]
February 9, 2015 – 8:46 am
Which is interesting, considering that the Grammys were held in rather White Los Angeles (9.2% Black) in rather White California (6.6% Black) (Mediaite) Pharrell‘s performance of “Happy†at Sunday evening’s 57th Annual Grammy Awards included a tribute to the “Hands up, don’t shoot†mantra that emerged late last year following the shooting death of Michael […]
January 20, 2015 – 8:27 am
It’s time for another Here we go ‘American Sniper’ Complaints Grow in Hollywood: Should Clint Eastwood Be Celebrating a ‘Killer’? (Exclusive) Even as “American Sniper†breaks January box-office records and revels in six Oscar nominations, criticism over the subject of the film, sharpshooter Chris Kyle, is rising and reaching into the Academy of Motion Picture […]
December 30, 2014 – 8:30 am
When one thinks about bat guano insane webzines, Salon is usually one of the first recipients of that thought. Salon is so barking moonbat that I often wonder if they do it on purpose, that they’re simply trolling the Internet, that this their articles are over-the-top on purpose. Then we get to Slate, which acts […]
December 27, 2014 – 8:44 am
Feminists tell us, typically rather forcefully, that women are more than just T&A, more than just a pretty face, more than just attention seekers, yet, strangely, hardcore feminists sure seem to like showing their naked boobs and making a scene (AP) The Vatican has arrested the Femen activist who on Christmas Day bared her chest […]
December 17, 2014 – 9:54 am
What’s more fun than this missive by a Harvard Law School 3rd year are the comments trashing the writer, William Desmond Delaying Exams Is Not a Request from ‘Coddled Millennials’ …. In response, opponents of exam extensions have declared that to grant these requests would be a disservice to the students. Law students, they argue, […]
November 28, 2014 – 3:32 pm
That’s right. Ferguson is so bad that we need to do away with local police, and move control elsewhere. Here’s Sunil Dutta at the Washington Post We should get rid of local policing. Ferguson shows why the system just doesn’t work. Public outrage over perceived police misconduct has led to violence again, after a grand […]
November 27, 2014 – 8:27 am
It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without a patriotic pinup. It also wouldn’t be a modern Thanksgiving without someone complaining about “climate change” Expert says climate change negatively affecting turkey meat quality Gale Strasburg balks at the suggestion that he is trying to save Thanksgiving. He is a food scientist. He doesn’t rescue holidays. But he is […]
November 19, 2014 – 11:34 am
We can only assume that Slate writer Joanna Rothkopf, Gawker, and the outraged commenters are pro-looter Disgusting: Darren Wilson supporter crowd-funds “Pants Up Don’t Loot†billboard in Ferguson A man has successfully raised enough money to erect a billboard reading “#PantsUPDontLoot†in Ferguson, Missouri, as the town braces for a grand jury’s decision regarding whether […]