Category Archives: Barking Moonbats

David Ignatius: “Climate Change” Is Totally A Moral Issue Or Something

Totally. And the Washington Post even uses a wonderful picture of steam, otherwise known as “water vapor”, to tell us how bad it is The moral issue of climate change The politics of selfishness was embraced enthusiastically last week by Sen. Mitch McConnell. In dismissing President Obama’s deal with China to reduce carbon emissions,the incoming […]

Did You Know Kay Hagen Lost Due To Gerrymandering?

This ranks right up there with the dumbest excuses for Dems getting shellacked. Someone else tried this one,  I think it had to do with Wendy Davis losing the Texas gov race. Here’s the Raleigh News and Observer’s Rob Christensen Christensen: Gerrymandered districts denied NC voters a real choice Last week, North Carolina voters booted […]

Ten Things Americans Can Problably Agree On Getting Done

You’re probably thinking “Republicans won, Democrats lost, and Obama lost worst of all, considering his “policies were on the ballot”. Right? And that, since that occurred, Republicans should push Republican policies. Not necessarily full Conservative policy, but at least Republican policies. Oh, you, you’re so silly. Here’s the Baltimore Sun’s Dan Rodricks to set you […]

Here We Go: Washington Post Upset That Senate Will Be Most Unrepresentative SInce WWII

This comes to us from Patrick J. Egan in The Monkey Cage…hey, wait, wouldn’t that be considered racist if on a Conservative website? Welcome to the most unrepresentative Senate election since World War II With less than 24 hours to go before Election Day, confidence is growing that Republicans are poised to win enough of […]

NY Times Super Unhappy, says “Cancel The Midterms”

Why would David Schanzer and Jay Sullivan want to do this? (via Right Wing News) Cancel The Midterms By Tuesday night about 90 million Americans will have cast ballots in an election that’s almost certain to create greater partisan divisions, increase gridlock and render governance of our complex nation even more difficult. Ninety million sounds […]

11 Scary Movies That Are Secretly About “Climate Change”

Grist says they are about “the environment”, but, it’s interesting how they mix that with Hotcoldwetdry. Oh, and just insane. Warmists can’t let any holiday go to waste With a week left to go until Halloween, we are seriously ready to get our spook on. But candy will kill you, and Umbra sure wouldn’t let […]

And Now Debbie Wasserman Schultz Evades Obama

Add Debbie Downer to the long list of Democrats running from Obama policies (Bloomberg) Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz on Wednesday refused to associate Democratic Senate candidates with President Barack Obama’s policies. On MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” host Joe Scarborough repeatedly asked Wasserman Schultz if votes for Democrats would be votes for the continuation of Obama’s policies. Wasserman […]

Dildos and Lynchings: Wendy Davis, Kay Hagan Campaigns Go Insane

There’s a reason they call election time the “silly season”. Though, this is a bit beyond silly (Daily Caller) Davis took her attacks to a new level on Monday by strongly implying Abbott would support an interracial marriage ban, despite the fact that Abbott is married to a Latina. But less than three hours later, […]

Semi-Retired, Mostly-Delusional President Looks To Implement 30 Day “Climate Change” Warning System

When it comes to weather forecasting, most meteorologists will tell you that things start getting really dicey beyond 3-5 days. Ten day forecast? Good luck with that. Know what the forecast a few days ago was for Raleigh? Low 70’s and partly cloudy. Know what’s happening now? It’s 59 and rainy, with a special weather […]

CNN: Obama’s Like Eye Of Sauron Or Something

Someone needs less caffeine (Mediaite) During a serious discussion about intelligence on ISIS during CNN’s Erin Burnett Out Front Friday evening, host Erin Burnett decided to employ an unusual metaphor to make a point about U.S. “priorities.” “I’m sort of thinking in The Lord of the Rings, you know, the Eye of Sauron is now on Syria and Iraq,” Burnett […]

Pirate's Cove