Category Archives: Barking Moonbats

Semi-Retired, Mostly-Delusional President Looks To Implement 30 Day “Climate Change” Warning System

When it comes to weather forecasting, most meteorologists will tell you that things start getting really dicey beyond 3-5 days. Ten day forecast? Good luck with that. Know what the forecast a few days ago was for Raleigh? Low 70’s and partly cloudy. Know what’s happening now? It’s 59 and rainy, with a special weather […]

CNN: Obama’s Like Eye Of Sauron Or Something

Someone needs less caffeine (Mediaite) During a serious discussion about intelligence on ISIS during CNN’s Erin Burnett Out Front Friday evening, host Erin Burnett decided to employ an unusual metaphor to make a point about U.S. “priorities.” “I’m sort of thinking in The Lord of the Rings, you know, the Eye of Sauron is now on Syria and Iraq,” Burnett […]

NBC: Forget The Gun, Keep Wasp Spray By Your Bed For Home Defense

And your car keys (The Blaze) According to FBI crime statistics quoted by NBC’s TODAY Show, home invasions in America are happening at the alarming rate of 135 per day. That frightening fact combined with some recent, high profile invasions at the homes of Oscar-winner Sandra Bullock and NBA star Ray Allen prompted reporter Jeff […]

Pelosi: Civilization Is In Jeopardy If GOP Takes Back Senate

Fortunately, she’s not a fear monger (video at link) (Daily Caller) On the one hand, California U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi claims that Democrats are not “fear-mongers;” on the other hand, she believes civilization is doomed if Republicans take control of the Senate from Democrats in November. The former speaker of the House made those dramatic, […]

Senate Democrats Still Whining About Having To Debate Bills They Authored

Their entire agenda is about forcing votes to look good for the mid-terms, rather than dealing with legislation which actually helps Americans. And most media outlets covering the story go with a headline blaming the GOP for blocking the constitutional amendment (Politico) Senate Republicans unanimously rejected a constitutional amendment sought by Democrats that would allow […]

MichelleFood: School kids Can’t Even Buy Tic Tacs

Thanks, Michelle School nutrition experts in Nebraska are struggling to comply with new federal snack regulations championed by First Lady Michelle Obama. (snip) Zipay told the new rules not only greatly reduce the available snack options schools can offer to students, they defy the concept of moderation that’s important for students to learn. “I […]

Whiny Democrats Attack Tom Tillis For “Mansplaining”

This is pretty much the extent of the Dems defense of Kay Hagan.  What little record she has is pathetic and shows that she’s a dupe of Obama, rather than a representative of NC (Politico) Thom Tillis, the Republican running for a North Carolina Senate seat that could well decide the majority in the Senate, […]

Athiest Group Really Upset By Pizza Parlor’s Church Discount

The owner of the pizza parlor wonders if they don’t have something better to do, like spending lawsuit money on the homeless. Here’s Todd Starnes Steven Rose loves Jesus and pepperoni pizza. But when the Searcy, Arkansas restaurateur decided to mix church and cheese it gave a group of out-of-town atheists a bad case of […]

People Who Work Less Hours Get Paid Less, So, Obviously, This Is Sexist

Obviously How a Part-Time Pay Penalty Hits Working Mothers Women get paid less than men in almost all jobs, but when women in low-wage jobs need to take time off work to care for children, they are at an even greater disadvantage. If all employees got paid the same hourly amount (assuming they’re equally productive […]

Dem: Attack On Nancy Pelosi Was “Sexist”

You know Democrats are in the wrong when they start throwing out words like racist, bigot, homophobe, sexist, and others (The Hill) Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) is calling the attack during the immigration debate on House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) “sexist.” On MSNBC’s “Politics Nation” late Monday, Schakowsky was asked to react to Rep. […]

Pirate's Cove