Category Archives: Barking Moonbats

Dem: Attack On Nancy Pelosi Was “Sexist”

You know Democrats are in the wrong when they start throwing out words like racist, bigot, homophobe, sexist, and others (The Hill) Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) is calling the attack during the immigration debate on House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) “sexist.” On MSNBC’s “Politics Nation” late Monday, Schakowsky was asked to react to Rep. […]

President Kumbaya “Wants To Pit White House Against Mean Congress”

Nice to see that The Hill is about 5 years late on this notion The White House’s emerging strategy for the midterm elections is to run against a “mean” Congress. President Obama has made that tack known more than ever in recent days. In the last week, he’s accused Republicans of getting into disagreements with […]

Rabbi brings warnings of climate change to Kansas churches

The Cult Of Gore continues to infiltrate real religion (Kansas Rabbi Moti Rieber travels the politically red state of Kansas armed with the book of Genesis, a psalm and even the words of Jesus to lecture church audiences, or sermonize if they’ll let him, about the threat of global warming. “My feeling is that […]

Dem Eleanor Holmes Norton: ‘You Don’t Have a Right to Know Everything’ Government Does

She was saying this in terms of her Congressional collegues. Anyone want to guess what she thinks the citizens should know? (The Blaze) Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) lectured her colleagues in the U.S. House of Representatives that they “don’t have a right to know everything in a separation-of-powers government.” “That is the difference between […]

Obama’s Made The World More Tranquil Or Something

So far, White House spokesweasel Josh Earnest has been better than his predecessor, Jay Carney, at least when it comes to demeanor. Less sneering. Otherwise, they are cut from the same cloth. Evasive, willing to throw invective, and willing to make really silly statements (CNS News) White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Monday the […]

Democrats To Play Tattered Old Race Card For Midterms

What else do they have? Well, there is the tired ol’ War On Womens. But, they want to avoid Obamacare (again). Can’t run on the stale economy. They have a president who acts more like a dictator. So, Race Card it is! (The Hill) Democrats are injecting race into the 2014 midterm elections amid fears […]

Fighting Hotcoldwetdry Is What Independence Day Is About!

This is the kind of stuff that I missed out on without cable services at home (idiot neighbor ran into junction box, cutting cable. Nice of them to tell me, eh? Kudos to the Time Warner Cable guy, who went above and beyond, not just fixing that, but, replacing other things and tuning up my […]

Hobby Lobby Decision Means Companies Completely Rule Your Health Choices Or Something

It really wasn’t much of a stretch to predict that Liberals would continue to publish wacky things regarding the Sebelius v Hobby Lobby decision. This is what they do. Things that make no sense in the real world, but are really meant to scare the Low Information Voters and whip up their base, which seems […]

Biden: Gay Rights Trump Pretty Much Everything

Someone let Joe Biden off his chains again (Yahoo News) Vice President Joe Biden declared Tuesday that protecting gay rights is a defining mark of a civilized nation and must trump national cultures and social traditions as the Obama administration sought to mobilize a global front against anti-gay violence and discrimination. Biden told a gathering […]

Guess Who Kathleen Sebelius Blames For Obamacare Issues

If you’re thinking “anyone but Obama, Democrats, and herself,” you’d be correct (Daily Caller) Former Secretary of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius took aim at her “hostile” right-wing opponents Tuesday, in her first speech after resigning her top post. At the State of Enrollment conference run by Enroll America, an Obamacare-promoting nonprofit run […]

Pirate's Cove