Category Archives: Barking Moonbats

What Say To Holiday Gifts For The Skeptic In Your Life?

How about a knuckle sandwich? (via Tom Nelson) (Skeptical Science, a website which is anything but) The end of 2013 is racing into view along with a cluster of holidays traditionally involving gifts. Many of us face the puzzling question of what will please or prove useful to people whom we care about. Gift selection […]

Warmists Wonder If Crazy Climate Protest Is America’s Own Pussy Riot Moment

Um, no. Pussy Riot has a legitimate complaint in the what happened to them. These are simply folks interrupting and creating a scene in a private business place (Index On Censorship) On a Saturday afternoon in June, a group of activists walked into a bank in Manhattan, New York, and staged a peaceful protest performance. […]

Obamacare Is About Morality Or Something

I’d go with the “something”. Here’s the Washington Post’s Colbert King trotting out the “morality” argument Obamacare — a question of morality There was a lot of bloviating about the Affordable Care Act on the talk shows last weekend. The Obamacare critics’ chief focus was the open-enrollment fiasco, the un-kept presidential promise and the millions […]

Debbie Downer: Dems Are Going To Like Totally Run On Obamacare!

In all fairness, you wouldn’t expect her to say “I expect most Democrats, especially those Senators who are vulnerable, to run as far from this legislation as they can” (Red Alert Politics) Obamacare is going to be an asset for Democrats in the 2014 midterm elections, according to Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.). The Florida […]

Would You Be Surprised That Warmists Are Making Themselves Mentally Sick?

I’d suggest that the best way for Warmists to lift their depression would be to go “carbon neutral”. Give up their fossil fueled vehicles and travel, do away with their refrigerators, their hairspray, their modern lifestyles, and live like it’s 1499 (No Tricks Zone) The strategy of scaring people into action on climate change has […]

Possible New Liberal Talking Point: Those Insurance Cancellations Aren’t Real Cancellations

Democrats are desperately looking for a way to minimize the impact of the millions of health insurance cancellations in the face of (NMP) Obama’s constant “promises” regarding the ability to keep your insurance. The LA Times’ Jon Healy notes One of the arguments made for the 2010 healthcare law was that it attacked the problem […]

Warmist Really Upset About This Free Speech Stuff

Warmists really do not like when people disagree with their cult. Which is funny, when you consider they say they’re into science and education and.treating people with respect. In practice, they are more like the Taliban. Little fascists (UT San Diego) I was terribly disappointed with the U-T’s pair of interviews on climate change Oct. […]

Sebelius Plays Blame Game With Obamacare Website Failures

We shouldn’t be surprised in the least. Remember, Kathleen Sebelius was a governor who played petty political games after the devastating Greensburg, Kansas tornado. Now, Democrats and Team Obama are attempting to get their talking points together so as to magically Blame Republicans for the failure of the Obamacare rollout (Fox News) Health and Human […]

Wash Post: “Obamacare Save My Family!!!!!”

I’m waiting for the opinion piece “Obamacare killed my family when my employer dropped my hours to part time and dropped our coverage” Obamacare saved my family from financial ruin House Speaker John Boehner and his tea party friends shut down the U.S. government because of people like me. I am the mother of an […]

Hooray! Obama Says His Red Line Is World’s Red Line

I’m not sure if the word “shameless” is strong enough. SCOAMF might work (CNN) President Barack Obama said Wednesday that the red line he outlined last year regarding Syria’s use of chemical weapons came from international treaties and past congressional action, and now it is time for the international community to make good on its […]

Pirate's Cove