February 27, 2014 – 7:54 am
You could see this coming a mile away once the liberal pundit and media finger-wagging, reality challenged fools became involved (NY Times) Ending a day that cast a glaring national spotlight on Arizona, Gov. Jan Brewer, a Republican, vetoed a bill on Wednesday that would have given business owners the right to refuse service to […]
February 26, 2014 – 6:53 am
Well, a higher level of stupidity than normal (Politico) Touting the latest White House Obamacare benchmark, President Barack Obama told his political base not to be discouraged by partisan attacks and stressed that their cause is divine. About 4 million people have signed up for private health care plans under the Affordable Care Act, Obama […]
February 14, 2014 – 8:19 am
Perhaps keeping the schools open in Wisconsin during a massive snow storm would be OK (well, not really, not in today’s litigious and uber-safety conscious society. Perhaps 20-30 years ago), but NYC? Not so much. Hey, you voted for this hard-core Leftists, New Yorkers, so this is on you (USA Today) As New Yorkers struggled […]
January 21, 2014 – 8:27 am
The Talking Points Memo went out and Democrats yammered on about voter ID (Daily Caller) Martin Luther King Day is a day of service, quiet reflection — and implications that those supporting voter ID laws are akin to 1960s segregationists. Democratic politicians and their allies took to the airwaves Monday to campaign against state laws […]
January 17, 2014 – 8:46 am
The other day I had a brief Twitter discussion pointing out that Magic Johnson was able to get health care for his HIV without Obamacare, that he wasn’t dropped, and that the person who pimped Magic Johnson pushing Obamacare, Valerie Jarret, isn’t getting her health insurance through the Exchange. Nor is Magic (CNBC) Jennifer Hudson […]
January 10, 2014 – 9:43 am
Yes, I did intentionally type “warming”, not “warning” (San Fran Chronicle) Buy a pack of cigarettes, and a printed warning from the surgeon general will remind you that smoking causes cancer. Obviously, you’ve chosen to smoke anyway. But perhaps one day you’ll look at that message, printed on the pack, and resolve to change your […]
December 9, 2013 – 7:02 am
When it comes to saying something bat-guano insane, in particular pulling out the Race Card, there’s a whole range of nut-balls at MSNBC to choose from. Pretty much the entire liberal staff. In this case, it’s Melissa Harris-Perry on her Sunday show, who decided To Be Brave and say the word (Daily Caller) “I want […]
December 2, 2013 – 11:28 am
How about a knuckle sandwich? (via Tom Nelson) (Skeptical Science, a website which is anything but) The end of 2013 is racing into view along with a cluster of holidays traditionally involving gifts. Many of us face the puzzling question of what will please or prove useful to people whom we care about. Gift selection […]
November 30, 2013 – 11:27 am
Um, no. Pussy Riot has a legitimate complaint in the what happened to them. These are simply folks interrupting and creating a scene in a private business place (Index On Censorship) On a Saturday afternoon in June, a group of activists walked into a bank in Manhattan, New York, and staged a peaceful protest performance. […]
November 30, 2013 – 6:53 am
I’d go with the “something”. Here’s the Washington Post’s Colbert King trotting out the “morality” argument Obamacare — a question of morality There was a lot of bloviating about the Affordable Care Act on the talk shows last weekend. The Obamacare critics’ chief focus was the open-enrollment fiasco, the un-kept presidential promise and the millions […]