Category Archives: Barking Moonbats

Warmists Waiting For That Climate Change Tipping Point

But not the one you’re thinking of (Concord Monitor) One of these days, the tipping point will be reached. No, not the tipping point that leads to a continued warming of the globe. That one, unfortunately, is probably behind us. The even more elusive tipping point is the action, event or increased collective concern that […]

Obama Whines About GOP Trying To Confuse People About Obamacare

We should not be surprised that (NMP) Obama is using the official resources of the White House for partisan attacks, should we? That’s all he does. Most presidents attempt to bring people together, or at least act like the President of the American People, not president of their Party (WEEKLY ADDRESS: Working to Implement the […]

Rodeoclowngate: The Left Wing Freakout That Won’t Die

Seriously, a rodeo clown mocking POTUS Obama is what liberals get upset over. Not Benghazi, IRS abuses, NSA spying, Fast and Furious, etc. No, a rodeo clown. Look, I will say that it was a dumb stunt. Inappropriate. Leave the politics out of non-political things. I don’t want to see politics while watching sports or […]

Liberals Blow Gasket Over Missouri State Fair Clown With Obama Mask

Liberals have absolutely no humor when it is one of them being made fun of (Kansas City Star) The taxpayer-supported Missouri State Fair got a lot of negative publicity Sunday following a report of a shameful stunt that occurred Saturday night in Sedalia. The story by an eyewitness, Perry Beam, is posted to Daily Kos […]

Tom Harkin Proclaims Some Unknown Southern Senator Called Obama “Exotic”

Harkin’s apparently attempting to earn his race card, despite being whiter than 2 week old floater (if that’s too gross, just think whiter than cotton), along with pumping up the liberal base (Des Moines Register) U.S. Sen. Tom Harkin provided some behind-the-scenes insight into the partisan animosity that continues to follow Barack Obama in his […]

A “Climate Change Denier” Confesses Or Something

I was highly amused by the piece by a supposed “denier”, because we all call ourselves that (sic). And then there’s the reality that the article is on the very far left TruthOut. And, really, how many on the left are already believers in Hotcoldwetdry, and have always been? Much like warming over the past […]

How To Talk To A Liberal About “Climate Change”

In a word Don’t Especially if they are Progressives. They are all rigid, myopic ideologues bound by talking points without critical adult thinking. It’s exceedingly rare that any will ever change their minds, as most are close-minded and interested in political advantage and instituting their far left dogma of big fascistic government (for Other People), […]

Mother Nature Brings Irony To Warmist Protest

This isn’t quite a full Gore Effect, but darned close, as the anti-Keystone hysterics were out in force getting arrested (Washington Post) Organizers said the demonstration was part of a campaign called “Summer Heat,” noting that the last half of July is statistically the year’s “hottest stretch.” In a touch of irony, the protest came […]

Slate Wonders What Went Wrong With North Carolina

Well, we decided we didn’t want to be Detroit (Slate) North Carolina is proving itself to be the poster child for all that is wrong with modern American democracy and—with thanks to Moral Mondays—also highlighting all that may someday save it. Ironically, as I’ve mentioned, Moral Monday has added abortion on demand to their list […]

Liberals Shriek Over NC Commonsense Voter Regulations

The NC Senate has proposed a few simple voting changes Senate Republican leaders are planning to take a voter ID bill and add provisions that cut early voting by a week, repeal same-day registration, allow counties to limit Sunday voting, end pre-registration of 16- and 17-year-olds and end straight-ticket voting. Other provisions increase the maximum […]

Pirate's Cove