July 22, 2013 – 6:01 pm
Glad they have a really good margin of error. Let’s start with the first paragraph (via Tom Nelson) (Huff Post) A new article in the prestigious Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), is headlined “The Multimillennial Sea-Level Commitment of Global Warming,” and it reports that because of carbon emissions that are virtually certain, […]
July 15, 2013 – 8:09 am
Imagine a scenario: you come home and your significant other is being sexually assaulted. The perp starts pulling out a gun. You have your gun. You have to wait for the perp to shoot first. Welcome to Michael Bloomberg’s world (Politico) New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg, one of the faces of national gun-control efforts […]
July 14, 2013 – 6:34 pm
Of course, what’s to stop the creation of strip clubs in surrounding towns? (via Grist) (Evansville Courier and Press) While Southern Illinois residents hope capitalize on an expected oil boom in the region — officials at Fairfield, Ill., have formed a “fracking committee†to look for opportunities that an increase in oil production could bring […]
July 10, 2013 – 8:47 am
It’s all about helping Obama (The Blaze) Author and activist Mark Dice on Monday released what may very well be the most depressing “man on the street†video for 2013 (possibly beating “College Kids Who Don’t Know U.S. Historyâ€). In Dice’s new video, he successfully encourages a group of California beachgoers to sign a petition […]
July 3, 2013 – 12:28 pm
Now we have Thomas Friedman hyperventilating But I would not get caught up in the anti-carbon pollution details of the president’s speech. I’d focus on the larger messages. The first is that we need to reorder our priorities and start talking about the things that are most consequential for our families, communities, nation and world. […]
June 28, 2013 – 2:52 pm
I never did touch on (NMP) Obama, The Man with the biggest carbon footprint in the world, calling those who do not believe in man caused “climate change” part of the flat earth society (btw, the president of the real Flat Earth Society is a Warmist). I had blogged enough on the subject, and we […]
June 25, 2013 – 7:24 pm
Unsurprisingly, lots of alcohol was required. Make sure to read just how moonbat the Netroots Nation gathering was. Mostly professional activists, very few of the grassroots and left-side bloggers. And white. Very, very white. The kind of white that the Tea Party is always accused of being. Anyhow, it was this nutty Netroots organizers go […]
June 19, 2013 – 3:49 pm
Today’s unhinged Warmist story comes to us via the UK Guardian, in an article which mentions a violent video game from PETA and then suggests the creation of games “to accurately teach about science” In Grand Theft Climate, you play a climate scientist who, after years of harassment, public attacks and scorn, and political interference […]
June 17, 2013 – 9:57 am
Seriously? Unfortunately, yes (Washington Post) Taylor Swift is not a feminist. But Clara Beyer is, and she loves Taylor Swift’s music and sometimes she wishes Swift would change her twangy tune and be a little more progressive. On June 11, the Alexandria native, a rising senior at Brown University, tweeted: “Idea for a single purpose […]
June 12, 2013 – 8:51 am
Alternate headline: Man with massive “carbon footprint” and lots of money at stake says other man with largest “carbon footprint” in the world needs to Do Something about no statistically significant warming in 15+ years (Politico) Add Al Gore to the chorus of environmentalists who say it’s time for President Barack Obama to get serious […]