May 3, 2013 – 3:33 pm
Because ‘climate change’ is like fighting WWII, and requires a similar solution, per Grist’s David Roberts The lessons that emerge from that period aren’t ones I’m particularly comfortable with, and it sounds like the authors aren’t totally thrilled with them either. Long story short, what’s required in wartime mobilization is an enormous amount of centralized […]
May 3, 2013 – 8:22 am
This is what science involves for the New Climate Deniers (Watts Up With That?) From the Fahrenheit 451 department comes this indictment of California’s higher education’s “tolerance†for opposing views. When I first got the tip on this, I thought to myself “nobody can be this stupid to photograph themselves doing this†but, here they […]
April 28, 2013 – 9:46 pm
A bit of a late night palate cleanser, I haven’t featured a Democratic Underground thread in quite some time. redqueen links to an article from Upworthy about Muslims protesting for women’s rights and stuff. Good for them. Quite a few DUmmies aren’t sure why they aren’t supposed to believe it. Here’s where it gets fun […]
April 26, 2013 – 1:26 pm
It’s funny how so many “climate change” believers tend to espouse the same political views as hard core leftists, isn’t it? (Grist) It was notable when Bill McKibben of and Philip Radford of Greenpeace recently came out in support of immigration-reform legislation. But it’s really notable that the Sierra Club has now joined them. […]
April 26, 2013 – 10:38 am
Nope, not Obama this time. It’s Paul Krugman, who never met a Big Government spending scheme he didn’t like. He starts out by whining about “austerity” and saying it has failed, because we’ve had just so darned much! You know, with the ever increasing government expenditures, the massive Stimulus, son of Stimulus, 2nd cousin twice […]
April 25, 2013 – 2:26 pm
Hey, has anyone asked Al how he gets to D.C. from Minnesota and back? (via Tom Nelson) (HuffPo) Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) attacked climate deniers with a Cheetos metaphor on the Senate floor on Monday, saying those who take money from big coal and also reject global warming should be ignored. “If 98 out of […]
April 9, 2013 – 12:04 pm
So, Julian Castro is a very far left Democrat who has worked for the racist Hispanic group La Raza United, which his mother helped found. Said group wants parts of the Southwest split off to be an exclusionary nation. And now he writes (Politico) Members of Congress have returned to our nation’s capital after a […]
April 5, 2013 – 12:02 pm
No, really (via Memeorandum, though I did see the opinion piece while perusing the LA Times android app this am) (LA Times) Why add to the deficit right now? Jobs. Our economic models clearly show that without increased government outlays we’ll be unable to generate enough GDP growth to seriously attack unemployment. If we tried […]
April 2, 2013 – 12:10 pm
Alas, this wasn’t an April Fool’s Day joke (granted, with Obama in the WH, every day is April 1st….combined with April 15) All Americans deserve the chance to turn their hard work into a decent living for their families and a bright future for their children. Seizing that opportunity takes more than drive and initiative […]
March 28, 2013 – 8:44 am
How can you tell this is a cult? Because no matter what happens, globull warming is to blame Is global warming causing harsher winters? Millions of people in northern Europe are still battling snow and ice, wondering why they are being punished with bitter cold when—officially—spring has arrived and Earth is in the grip of […]