Category Archives: Barking Moonbats

Obama: “I’m Not Involved With Drone Policies”

Is there anything Obama does take responsibility for as POTUS/CiC? (Politico) President Barack Obama’s defense to Democratic senators complaining about how little his administration has told Congress about the legal justifications for his drone policy: Dick Cheney was worse. That’s part of what two senators in the room recounted of Obama’s response when, near the […]

Nanny Bloomberg Not Happy With Soda Ban Block, Vows More Nannyism

In case you missed it, a judge has struck down Michael Bloomberg’s big sugary drink ban, partly due to Bloomberg sidestepping the city council, partly because it was “arbitrary and capricious” in what was banned and what wasn’t. Bloomberg vows to fight the ruling, because NYC has absolutely no other problems (Newsday) New York City Mayor […]

Berkley Councilman Proposes Taxation on Emails To Save Postal Service

What would you expect from a confirmed Leftist in Berkley? (Huff Post) If the post office is going to go down, perhaps it should at least go down with a fight. Gordon Wozniak, a city councilman in Berkeley, Calif., has proposed an email tax to provide much-needed revenue to the ailing U.S. Postal Service, local […]

Florida Dem Wants Anger Management Course Requirement For Ammunition Purchases

Yeah, but remember, none of what Dems are proposing across the country are attempts to strip law abiding citizens of their 2nd Amendment Rights (The Blaze) If a Florida Democrat has her way, anyone who tries to buy ammunition will have to first complete an anger management program. Critics are slamming the bill as a […]

Paper Which Just Laid Off A Bunch Of Employees Hysterical Over “Austerity”

It’s nice to wake up on a Sunday morning and give a hearty chuckle followed by a good facepalm. The NY Times’ Jackie Calmes needs KCCO The latest budget impasse ushered in a new round of austerity on Saturday, with the nation facing reduced federal services, canceled contracts, job furloughs and layoffs. For those who […]

Dem Barbara Lee Tries The “We Need A Department Of Peace” Route

I wonder who should lead this department? How about Bill Clinton? No, that would be the Dept of Piece. Somebody with a Nobel? How about Obama? No, wait, he loves personally picking who the recipients of drone strikes are and launching wars of choice. Anyhow (Daily Caller) California Democratic Rep. Barbara Lee has introduced legislation […]

Gun Control Groups Want To Fundraise On Backs Of Victims

Never let a good crisis go to waste (CNN) Now more than ever, we need to provide support for the advocacy organizations that are working to establish a formidable counterweight to the gun lobby, which is well financed, well organized and will stop at nothing to protect the interests of the firearms industry and obstruct […]

Apparently, Forcing Women To Not Bare Their Breasts In Public Is Like Sharia

NC bill could mean prison time for topless women…Looks like the far right wants to implement sharia law! — SJ Reidhead (@sjreidhead) February 18, 2013 I’ll replace this later with proper Twitter embed code, which I can’t get on Droid, but, suffice to say, this is silly. It’s also mostly a waste of time […]

Waxman Wants Obama To Control Your Appliances To Stop Weather

Will Henry Waxman walk the talk and start riding a bicycle to work? Doubtful, but he does want the Depth of Energy to regulate your appliance. Just move them into the bedroom! (Via The Lonely Conservative) (CNS News) Representative Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) said the Obama administration should regulate oil refineries, household appliances, and even renegotiate […]

Thousands Of Climastrologers Freeze Their Buns Off Protesting Keystone Pipeline

They’re really, really upset about the potential use of Canadian tar sands by fellow Americans (Politico) Tens of thousands of people converged on the National Mall on Sunday to urge President Barack Obama to reject the Keystone XL pipeline, a project they say will cause irreparable damage to the climate. The rally, which was organized […]

Pirate's Cove